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Once Jason returned with your new clothing, questions were asked. Damian and Jason knew that it would not be the best for you, but they needed as much information they could get from you about your captors.

"Who were they?" Kori asked you.

"I don't know their names or their species," you replied quietly, "but I do know what they look like."

Kori smiled lightly and stood up, "I will go get something that might help you recognize which species did this to you."

You nodded and looked down at your scarred and calloused hands. Why did they make you do all of those things?

"What else do you know?" Roy asked.

You froze and shakily answered, "Th-they are allied with the League of Shadows."

"Is that all you can remember?" He asked while writing down your answer.

"Yes," you lied.

You looked back at your hands, picking at the scabs forming. You couldn't tell them about the torture you went through, or the mental scars you now have. The aliens who experimented on you used anything and everything to upgrade and resurrect you. You couldn't count how many times you were thrown into the Lazarus Pit. All you remember was being surrounded by emerald fluid and the immense pain you went through. It felt as if your whole body was on fire, burning you until you were finally alive and well once again. The bionic installments you had were only the tip of the iceberg. They had given you multiple abilities and even enhanced the ones you had before you were in their clutches. 

"Let's stop with the questions," Jason stated and walked towards you.  "How about we get something to eat?"

Everyone agreed and Roy exited the room, saying something about takeout and pizza. Damian looked at you one last time before leaving you alone with Jason. You remained curled in your position, thinking about what you had done over the past month and a half.  During your time as a puppet for the aliens, you were awake the whole time, as if you were in a dream you had no control over.   You had a front row seat to all of those  murders you committed and the pain you caused others.  Jason and Damian would treat you like the thinnest glass in the world if they knew you were aware of what your body was doing.  It pained you to hurt a hair on Damian's head when they retrieved you, but you couldn't control yourself.

"Come on, (Y/N)," Jason said and held out a hand.

You took it and stood up, swaying slightly.  Jason grabbed your shoulders and steadied you, making you smile. 

"Thank you," you said and started walking, with Jason's help, towards the kitchen.

"(Y/N), if you need to talk about anything, I'm here," Jason told you.  "I... I know what it is like, and I don't want you to feel like you're alone and the odd one out."

You nodded and stopped moving, "I do need to speak to you about something."

He nodded and led you to his seat by his desk. You saw all of he photos of the crime scenes and of you in the uniform you wore when you committed those atrocious crimes. Jason pulled the chair away from the wall and turned you around, obscuring your view.

"What do you need to talk about?"

"Have... you ever done something you've regretted, but... you had no control over it?" you asked him, finally making eye contact with him for the first time since you've been back.

"I have," Jason responded.

"When I was under their control, I... I was aware of everything.  I saw everything that I did, and I couldn't do anything about it," you confessed.  "I can't look at my hands without seeing what they did...."

You broke down into sobs, instantly moving your hands to cover your face. Jason pulled you close and moved your hands away, wiping away your tears for you.

"I know it seems like it's your fault that you hurt all of those people, but it wasn't.  You were under those bastards' control, if there is anyone to blame, it is them for needing you to harm all of those people," Jason explained and pulled you close.

He would never let them get their dirty paws on you again.

Damian Wayne x Reader- ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now