Here We Go Again

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I was tagged by naked_dragon, but do not worry!! I will still post a chapter with this!

The most cringe worthy thing that happened to me was when I injured my knee during a basketball game.  I jumped up to grab a rebound, but when I landed something in my left knee popped and I collapsed to the floor.  My knee was never the same after that.  It actually cracks every time that I stand up, but it's not that painful.

Ok, on with the story!!!

They all stared at you with fear laced in their eyes. How could you possibly know that Darkseid is heading this way? Roy had made sure that the implants and devices on you were reprogrammed. He even triple checked it!

"How is this happening?" Jason asked.

"Darkseid must have a direct connection with her," Kori stated. "We must sedate her before she does something."

"I think it's too late for that, Kori," Roy said and pointed over to you. 

"You made a mistake of taking what's mine," you hissed with an inhuman voice. "Now you will pay!"

Your eyes were glowing red with steam rising from your eyes, glaring at the people you called family.  Without hesitation, you produced an energy beam that forced everyone back about ten yards.  You quickly turned around and flew away from the vigilantes, but soon you were flung in the opposite direction.  Once you regained your composure, you growled at Kori and shot an energy beam at her, missing by only a centimeter when she dodged your attack. 

"(Y/N), we do not wish to fight you," Kori stated calmly, raising her hands to indicate she was no threat.

"Then it will be easy to end it," you smirked and shot another beam, hitting Kori directly in the chest.

Her screams and the screams of the men below you filled your ears as you watched her fall to the ground, creating a small crater where her body landed. You turned your head to the east and resumed flying in the direction of Darkseid and his minions.

"What the hell, Roy?!" Jason screamed. "I thought you said that you completely reprogrammed all of the devices on her!"

"I did!" Roy shouted, pulling Kori into his arms. "I- I don't know what happened, but maybe Kori was right."

"What is the plan?" Damian asked, finally speaking for the first time since you left.

"I put a tracking device on her before we left for the Tower," Roy responded while lifting Kori up. "I just need to go on my computer to track her."

"As much as I hate it, we have to call the Justice League for help on this one," Jason grumbled and pulled out his cellphone. "The Titans will also be helping on this one, too."

"I'm going to take her to the infirmary," Roy said and started heading towards the tower. "I think you two should tell the team about this situation.  They need time to handle this information."

Damian nodded and looked over to Jason, who was still looking in the direction where you flew off, "It wasn't your fault, Todd."

"But it feels like it, Damian," Jason quietly said. "I promised that I would protect her, but I've broken it too many times to count."

"There are some things we cannot control," Damian told him and grabbed his shoulder, "but right now we can control whether or not to be prepared for what is about to come."

Jason nodded, "I'll call Bruce and explain everything."

"Good, I will explain what has occurred to the team," Damian stated and made his way towards the entrance. "I hope their fighting skills are better than the last time I saw them."


You landed on a cool metal surface, examining your surroundings as you continued to head towards Darkseid.  The dark atmosphere of the ship you were on had no affect on your body, but it had affected your mind.  You were once again locked inside your mind and unable to fight back. 

"Welcome back," a deep voice greeted.

You looked up to see Darkseid himself looking down at you, glowing red eyes piercing your own.  Without hesitation, your body knelt down on the floor and lowered your head.  Once you did this, you could feel yourself regaining control of your body.  He grabbed your head in his hand and lifted it, making you have eye contact with him.

"After all the things I have done for you, you still run to those feeble humans," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.  "Also, no one had ever been able to resist my control like you have.  I will fix this, of course, and it is the most simplest thing I could ever do.  I blame my minions for performing an adequate job on you."

He threw you across the floor, breaking a few bones in the process.  You screamed as the bones broke and then mended themselves, writhing in pain until it dissipated.  When you recovered, you saw metal wires surrounding you, getting closer and closer until they were only a few inches from you.  You looked over to Darkseid and then back at the wires, silently hoping that this wasn't real.  With a flick of his wrists, the wires sunk themselves into your skin, traveling into your body until they stopped.  That's when you felt the searing pain in your head.  You tried to scream, but nothing came out, or you couldn't hear.  You felt terrified, not knowing what Darkseid was doing to you.  Then you felt something else: Hatred.  Pure hatred to the so called 'Heroes' that took you from your home and your family. You felt the wires retract from you, but felt no pain. Once the last wire was gone, you stood up and faced Darkseid.

"Are you ready to have your revenge?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yes I am, Lord Darkseid."

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