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"Ever since I went under the radar, I've been keeping track of the new assassin and her movements," Jason explained, directing Damian's attention to the photographs displayed on the wall.  "I knew it was not a coincidence that a new assassin just popped out of nowhere right after we buried (Y/N), so I compared the assassin's body proportions, mannerisms, even voice if I can get my hands on an audio file."

"Why haven't you contacted my father?" Damian asked while examining the photos.

"The past repeated itself, Damian.  After I died, Bruce just buried me and called it quits, but when you died, he fought to bring you back.  I understand that you and (Y/N) were together, but Bruce doesn't understand.  She's just another soldier in his great conquest lost in the battle," Jason muttered.

Jason walked over to the table in the corner and grabbed his mug, which Damian guessed it was alcohol.  Jason chugged it and returned it to its original place on the table.  Damian looked in the mug, and was surprised to see that it was tea in the mug. 

"How long have you been tracking her?" Damian asked.

"Ever since I left the funeral," Jason responded.

Damian scowled at him, "You have known for this long and you didn't inform me?"

Roy grabbed Damian and quickly dragged him out of  Jason's room, "Damian, I know that you are angry at Jason for not telling you, but I thought he was crazy when he showed up here telling me that his dead sister is alive. Yeah, I knew it was possible, but I thought it was just Jason's denial of (Y/N)'s death.  I didn't believe him until he showed me all of the evidence a week ago, but even then I still had doubts.  Jason has been through a lot, and he lost the only surviving family member in blood relation.  Do you really think your attitude will help him in this situation?  Let me remind you that you aren't the one who has been slaving to find any piece of evidence to confirm that (Y/N) is alive."

Damian let Roy's information sink in. It was true that Damian did not put any effort into confirming that you were alive, but he was going to make sure that he would do anything to help Jason get you back. 

Damian sighed, "I agree with everything you said, Harper.  I will attempt to keep my anger controlled."

"Good, now are you going to stay awhile, or are you going to go back to the manor?"

"I am going to ask Todd for copies of his evidence and start investigating this at the manor.  I do not want to bring any attention to you nor Todd," Damian responded.

"I'll give you one of my thingies so we can contact each other if we get some new info," Roy said and walked over to his work station, digging through a couple boxes before he found a small rectangular piece of glass that had metal surrounding its perimeter.

"What is this for?" Damian asked and examined the device.

"It hacks into your device and provides a secure network so you can contact us without worrying about bad guys monitoring our conversations," Roy responded and pointed to a button.  "Just press this and make sure it's touching the device."

"Thank you," Damian said and walked towards the door," and make sure Todd has better hygiene the next time I visit."

Damian Wayne x Reader- ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now