He's Coming

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"Darkseid?" Roy asked, "Last time I heard of him, his ass was handed to him by the Justice League."

"I guess the asshat decided that he's going to come back," Jason stated and looked over to your shaking form. "(Y/N), you're alright. It was just a hologram, (Y/N), you're safe."

Jason pulled you into his arms and lifted you up, heading towards the exit of the room.  He left Damian, Roy and Kori alone to discuss what Darkseid's involvement meant.

"No wonder why I couldn't recognize the metal, it's organic material from recycled beings from other worlds," Roy said and pulled up the hologram again.  "She's definitely not one of his mindless drones, but what did he do to her?"

"He merely upgraded her," Damian replied.  "He must have wanted (Y/N) to keep her human appearance and not raise any suspicions."

Kori approached the hologram, "These creatures must have done the worst to her if the psychological damage is this intense."

Roy glared at the hologram, "So how do you think they got to the Lazarus Pit?"

"They must have an alliance with the League of Shadows," Damian commented.  "This could be the only answer."

"Why would Darkseid ally himself with the League?" Kori asked and typed into the computer, pulling up a hologram of Darkseid.

"World domination, isn't that every super villain's goal?" Roy asked.

Damian sighed, "I do not know, but we have to make sure that he will never get his hands on (Y/N) again.  I hope the Justice League is prepared for whatever he's planning."

You continued to shake in Jason's arms as memories flashed across your mind, continually making you relive the torture and experiments that they performed on you.  You could feel every incision, cut, and injection that you experienced. Their malicious smiles and insane eyes burned into your soul every time you had a glimpse of them. You felt something drag across your face, as if it were a feather brushing against your skin. You swallowed your fears and closed your eyes, attempting to steady your breathing. A distant voice was calling out to you, saying that you were safe and with your family. You focused on the voice until you opened your eyes again, but this time your brother's green and blue eyes were staring at you with worry.

"(Y/N), can you hear me?" Jason asked and moved stray pieces of hair out of your face.

You didn't answer, but you burrowed yourself deeper into his warm embrace. He sighed in relief and pulled you closer.

"You scared the hell out of me," he whispered.

You wiggled yourself out of his grip and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his leather jacket. He was taken aback for a few seconds, but soon wrapped his arms around your still shaking figure. 

"Ho-how long was I out of it?" you asked, your voice slightly muffled by the jacket.

"Just a few minutes," he responded. "I took you out here to calm you down."

You removed yourself from Jason's embrace and looked around, taking in your new surroundings.  You were sitting on a stone bench that was surrounded by flowers of all shapes and sizes.  The cool night air and chirping crickets gave a serene feeling.... No wonder why Jason brought you here.

"How am I going to live like this if I can't even look at a goddamn hologram before losing it?" you asked, your eyes still trained on the flowers.  

"You'll get better, (Y/N), it's just going to take some time," Jason said and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"What if I just want to give up?  What if I'm tired of waiting for the next person to use me as a weapon and kill more people?" you asked angrily.  "I'm tired of being looked at like a hurt and lost puppy than a person who just wants to end it all!!"

"(Y/N), calm down.."

You backed away from Jason and shook your head, tears cascading down your cheeks, "I can't do this anymore... I can't..."

"Yes you can, (Y/N), and you won't be alone.  You'll have me, Damian, Roy and many more people who love and care for you helping you along the way," Jason told you, slowly walking towards you.

"I can't hurt you again.  I can't hurt anyone again," you mumbled over and over again until you bumped into a tree.

You collapsed onto the ground and pulled your legs close to you, slightly rocking yourself and mumbling the same phrase over and over as Jason led Damian, Kori and Roy over to you.  Damian slowly approached you, but when he did you lashed out at him and clutched at his clothing.

"He's coming. He's coming. He's coming. He's coming. He's coming. He's coming."

Damian Wayne x Reader- ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now