Make It Go Away

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"When are we going to leave?" Superman asked.

"We're leaving in thirty minutes, so grab whatever gear you need and board in the jet if anyone needs it," Jason stated and walked over to the door.  "Thank you all for coming."

Jason, Roy, and the Titans walked out of the room, leaving the League members to converse.

"When did he get a sister?" Shazam asked, drawing the attention of many League members.

"She's always been around, but we weren't aware of it until we rescued her from a lab almost a year ago," Batman replied, pulling up all of the evidence he had on you and the experiments that you went through.  "She has a significant amount of metahuman abilities we can and can't confirm. She has been trained by the scientists that held her captive, Robin and the previous Robins."

"How didn't you know about her?" Clark asked.

"That question had bothered me the first month I found out about (Y/N) and Jason," he responded and pointed to a hologram. "The League of Assassins erased any and all records of (Y/N) to ensure that no one will search for her.  I believe that (Y/N) was born right before her mother's death, which may lead to the conclusion that Jason's adoptive mother was murdered."

"Have you told him, Bruce?" Diana asked.

"I have not," he replied.

"He should know."

"I know," he said.  "I just need him to focus on the mission, and then I will share him this information."

"If this mission is successful," Hal said, "what are we going to do with Darkseid?"

"We send him back," Victor said. "I'll use a boom tube to send him back to his planet."

"Then it's settled," Bruce said.  "Go get your gear, we leave in twenty-two minutes."


You watched the planet you used to call home through the window of your master's ship, observing and wondering why you had ever considered this unforgivable rock your home. Pain, suffering and torture was all you were given when you had done nothing wrong. Now you had a chance to get back at those who wronged you, and you were more powerful than ever. Darkseid had warned you about the so-called heroes that wanted to take you from him, but you knew you could handle them. The Kryptonian would be no problem, due to the large stash of Kryptonite in the ship and his lack of fighting skills. In your opinion, skill is more important than superhuman abilities, but the abilities help to gain the advantage. You sighed and looked at your reflection that the mirror provided, wondering what had led you to do this. Your once (y/c) skin now faded into an unhealthy grey and your (e/c) eyes were changed into a blazing red. You feel glad to finally differentiate yourself from the race that you hated with every fiber of your being, but a little piece of yourself feels like you were doing the wrong thing. That little piece made you doubt Darkseid and what he ordered you to do, but you quickly shoved it away and focused on the task at hand. That's when you saw them.

"Lord Darkseid, they have arrived on the northern side of the ship," you informed him and knelt. "What are your orders?"

"Take down their transports," he ordered and walked out of the room. "I will deal with the others that come for me."

"As you wish," you said and stood up, making your way to the window.

You pressed a button and watched the glass slide away before jumping out of the ship, falling until you were at the same level as the planes. Without hesitation, you charged for the first plane and drove your fist through its cabin. Grabbing the steering wheel, you pulled it out and threw it in the engine. It exploded and instantly made the plane unbalanced. You jumped off the plane and watched it fall before returning your attention to the next two. After you dealt with the last plane, arms wrapped around your waist and torso.

"(Y/N), stop this at once."

You growled and threw your assailant off of you, making them sail a few feet away from you. When your opponent recovered, you recognized the outfit instantly.

"Please, (Y/N), there is no need to fight," Diana stated and pulled her lasso off of her hip. "This can be dealt with peacefully-"

Without allowing her to finish her sentence, you charged and threw a fist. Before you knew it, she had wrapped her lasso around you.

"Tell me who you are!"

"A servant of Darkseid!" you shouted, still struggling from the lasso's hold.

"This is not the truth!" she shouted, "Who are you?"

You continued to struggle, but one word escaped from your lips : "(Y/N)!"

The lasso tightened, "Your true name?!"

You screamed and released an energy beam, immediately loosening the lasso around you and blasting Wonder Woman away from you. Clutching your head, you tried to claw away the memories that were flooding through your mind, but they soon dissipated when Darkseid ordered you to return to the ship. When you returned, you immediately charged at the heroes fighting against Darkseid, but crashed into a green transparent wall before you could protect your master. The wall propelled you back outside of the ship with a force stronger than anything you ever encountered. You were sailing away from the ship until you crashed onto the field that was a mile away from the battle, surrounded by over a dozen of your enemies. You instantly conjured an energy beam in each hand, waiting for them to make a move. When you caught something green moving towards you, you shot the beam towards it, but it went directly through it. Without hesitation, the green object surrounded you in a cage and trapped you. You let out an inhuman scream and started lashing out at the cage, but your efforts went in vain. The lasso once again wrapped around you and yanked you away from the bars, making you crouch on the ground.

"You think this will save her?" your body said, but you didn't. "This will only kill her."

You let out a grunt of pain when the lasso forced Darkseid's influence away, gritting your teeth and laughing. "This fancy rope won't help you. She's mine and mine alone."

A man wearing a red helmet approached your bars, not even flinching when we lashed out at his and collided with the green bars, held out a gun. "Maybe the lasso won't help her, but this will."

You let out a laugh, "A merciful death!! Such a wasteful choice."

"That's where you're wrong," he sneered and shot you in the leg.

"You missed."

"I never miss," he said and stepped away from the cage. "Thanks for the nanobots by the way."

Your eyes widened and looked down at the bullet, "You'll kill her!"

"Maybe," the man shrugged. "Maybe not."

You let out another scream and collapsed on the ground.

"Diana, do your think," the man said and walked away.

The woman nodded and made the lasso tighten around you, glowing as its magic surrounds you, "Who are you?"

"Darkseid!" you shouted, clawing at the bullet wound.

"Who are you?!"

"(Y/N) Todd!" you wailed and stopped struggling. "(Y/N) Todd."

Your eyes drifted shut slowly as you took in another breath into your burning lungs, "(Y/N) Todd."

You felt the lasso loosen from your torso, which allowed you to sag to the floor. The bullet wound in your leg was still bleeding, sending the pain throughout your body. Your fatigued body was set gently down on the grass, making your body ache even more.

"Jay?" you coughed out. "Dami?"

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), I'm here! Damian is, too," you heard Jason say.

"Please make it go away," you begged. "Please make it go away."

You felt a sting in your chest and everything went black, taking the pain away as well as your consciousness.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! I am such a horrible human being, but I promise there will be more!!!!!

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