Off To War We Go

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I was tagged once again, but there's still a chapter!!!
Do I like someone? Yeah, tons of famous people that I'll never meet
How old am I?  I am sixteen going on seventeen~
What's my favorite color? Black, like my soul.
Single or taken? Single and not ready to mingle.
Last person I texted? My lovely bff.
Last song I listened to? Breakeven by The Script.
Battery percent? 58%
Girl best friend?  My lovely partners in crime Jess and Robyn.
Guy best friend? Ryan and Robert
Hair color? The dirtiest of blondes (dark golden)
Why did I make an account? To better my writing, make an imprint in the world, and entertain
Current lock screen? Above 👆🏻
Birthday? Same as Myrna Loy
I'm really sorry for not posting!! Okay, onto the story!!!!!
You smirked as you examined the new armor Darkseid had given you, enjoying how it fit better than any piece of clothing you had ever worn.  The armor itself was apart of you, connected to every piece of the upgrades Darkseid gave you.  It even enhanced some of your abilities, making you feel almost godlike.  You looked unrecognizable from the frail and misguided fool that had arrived at his ship not only a day ago.  All of your hair was cut even shorter than it was, not a pure black shade with red streaks.  Your eyes were even deep black, but occasionally had red swirl into view.  You were now far from human, now a hybrid thanks to Darkseid.  He had made you stronger than ever, and you were going to gut anyone who tried to take you from him.  He had done so much for you, and now it's time to return the favor.

"Lord Darkseid, when shall I depart?" You asked him and kneeled, your head bowed down.

"We wait until they come to us," he replied.  "They will have the disadvantage."

"What do you wish me to do while we wait?"

He smiled maliciously, "I give you another gift."
"But she was just here!" Jaime shouted. "How could she just escape like that without the security system knowing?!"

"Darkseid did something to her, we don't know what, but at least we know where she went," Roy pointed out.

"Well when are we gonna go after her?" Garfield asked.

"As soon as Kori recovers," Jason stated. "We need all of the help we can get.  Batman and some League members will accompany us.  I'm not sure how many, but I hope that it's every damn one."

"Damian, how are you holding up?" Raven asked and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll manage," Damian responded.  "I just need (Y/N) back."

"We will get her back," Raven said, "but we are stronger together than apart. You taught me that, so don't go against your teachings."

"I am not foolish enough to go against Darkseid alone," he spat. "The League barely defeated him the first time."

Raven nodded and looked over to the medical room Starfire was in, "I will go heal what I can.  I can tell you are stressed, but do not take it out on the people on your side."

Damian did not say anything, but knew she was right.  He had taken his frustrations out on her rather than the spiteful being that took you away from him.  Death was the only thing he understood that would remain in his family forever.  He lost so many friends and family to it, and he didn't want to lose you.  Damian had many relationships with others, but this relationship was the most memorable.  You had shown him many things about the world he never knew existed.  He felt many things that he thought he never could, especially the unconditional love he had for you. 


"Yes?" he asked and looked up to see Jaime and Garfield standing in front of him.

"We'll get (Y/N) back, no matter what it takes," Jaime promised.

Gar nodded, "We know what (Y/N) means to you."

Damian gave them a small smile of gratitude, "Thank you."

"No problem, dude," Gar said. "You'll have us and the Justice League on your side."

"But Darkseid has (Y/N)," Damian frowned, "and she knows everything.  She knows all of your fighting strategies, our next move, abilities, and so much more."

"Do you think (Y/N) has more power than the Justice League?" Jaime asked.

"I think she will make things difficult.  We don't know how Darkseid is controlling her, or if this is just really who she is," Damian stated, his voice slightly wavering when he finished the sentence.

"That's bullshit, Damian, she loves you," Gar said.

"But does love overpower mind control?" Damian asked.

"Sometimes it does," Gar responded and looked over to Jason.  "(Y/N) doesn't just have you, she has Jason as well."

"I hope you are right, we'll need everything we got to help (Y/N)."

------------------Time skip brought to you by the black lanterns: Die and then join us!-------------------------

"Why didn't you inform me of this?" Bruce asked Damian and gestured to Jason. "And you, why did you not tell me where you disappeared off to?"

"I was trying to find my fucking sister," Jason gritted out. "I was searching for her ever since the funeral and where were you? Did you even mourn her, or did you plan on replacing her like you did with me?"

Bruce went to say something, but was cut off by Jason.

"No, you listen!!  I know that I'm not the son you wanted me to be, you didn't even mean for (Y/N) to join in the Batfamily, but she didn't get the life I had. Hell, she didn't even get the life Damian had!  She never got the chance to experience the sparse childhoods we had, she was treated like an animal! Do you think that after what she went though, knowing that she's my only blood relative left, I would just give up and call it a day?! No! I didn't give up like you did on me and found her alive!! I do not need to answer for my actions when you did the exact same thing for Damian!! I do not need a hypocrite to tell me what I can and can't do!  I don't want to let (Y/N) down like you did to me!!  Now shut the hell up and listen to the plan!"

Bruce's jaw clenched, but he did not utter a single syllable. Damian watched the two men until Bruce nodded.  He wasn't surprised to see his father back down from Jason's words, but he was when his father didn't defend himself or try to explain anything to Jason.  The Justice League members Bruce brought with him sat silently at the table until Jason spoke.

"We know where Darkseid took (Y/N), but we have no idea what abilities she has," Jason explained. "Not only do we have to be careful with (Y/N), but we also have to deal with Darkseid.  He has (Y/N) under some type of mind control, but we do not know the extent of it."

Jason waited, listening for anyone who would like to say anything.

Diana asked, "How do you wish for us to take down Darkseid and apprehend (Y/N) without causing any major harm?"

Jason responded, "(Y/N) has an enhanced healing factor, which we discovered before her death was faked."

Shazam rose his hand, which Jason acknowledged, "Who is dealing with Darkseid and who's dealing with (Y/N)?"

"You and most of the powerhouses we have will go up against Darkseid while me, Robin, Arsenal, and the Titans go after (Y/N).  We'll swap whenever we need backup for whoever we're up against," Jason explained and looked over to Roy.

"How's Kori?"

"She's doing better," Roy said, "but she needs rest.  She'll be able to join us in the fight when we leave. I told her the plan."

"Good, we need all of the help we can get."

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