Always Blame It On The Villain

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"I think I'm going to barf," you stated as the plane jolted once again, making your stomach churn.

"I offered to pilot the plane, but Harper and Todd insisted that they were excellent pilots," Damian grumbled, gripping tightly to the leather seats. "They are more adequate than excellent."

"I'm really going to barf," you repeated, gripping tightly onto Damian's wrist.

He slightly winced at the pressure, but did not complain, "I will go ask those two imbeciles if I can take over."

"No can do, Demon Spawn," Jason said through the speakers. "We're almost there."

"Good," you wheezed out and looked out the window, the iconic Titan Tower slowly growing closer.

"I'm surprised we were never interrupted by your old captors," Damian commented and gripped onto the seats once again as the plane shuttered. "Todd is going to finish off their work for them if we continue to travel like this."

"Shut your trap before I throw you out of this plane," Jason quipped and shut the speaker off.  "Don't worry, (Y/N), I'll give him a parachute."

"I would love some Tylenol or ibuprofen right now," you groaned and curled further into a ball.

"We're landing as we speak, Beloved," Damian stated.

"That doesn't help my stomach," you growled and yelped when the plane landed on the roof.

You and Damian tumbled onto the floor and remained on the floor until the plane finally stopped.  The cockpit door opened, revealing Jason and Roy in their vigilante gear.

"You guys should have warned me if you're going to do it in the plane," Jason laughed and held a hand out for you.

You groaned and ran out of the exit, barely escaping the plane before losing the contents of your stomach. It's hilarious that you could look at wounds and not even bat an eye, but you lose it when you fly. You'll blame it on Jason and his horrible piloting skills. You felt a hand rub your back, which helped you calm down when you couldn't puke up anything else.

"I blame you and your shitty piloting," you wheezed out and stood up.

Jason chuckled, "I was the copilot."

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Harper!"

"Damian, put the sword down!"

--Time skip brought to you by anger management --

"I can't believe you died!" Gar said with awe.

Jaime elbowed him, "Dude, not a good subject to talk about!"

"It runs in the family," Jason joked and pulled you from your seat.  "Now, I'm going to go get her to Kori.  We have some stuff to talk about."

Damian stood up and joined you and your brother, walking through the confusing lower levels of the tower until you reached a metal door.

"What are we doing down here?" you asked confusedly.

"We're here to discuss about your captors," Kori responded as you entered the room.  "This is similar to the holoprojector device we use to practice and spar, but it is just for viewing use."

You nodded and looked at the many species of aliens that were being displayed, "How long will this take?"

"It depends if you find the right one," Kori responded and walked over to Roy's side.

You nodded and walked further into the room, looking over the aliens until you found yours.  The search went on for about thirty minutes before you walked past a hologram, but halted when you saw the armor the being was wearing.  You backed away slowly from the hologram, but tripped over your feet and landed on the ground.  The hologram stood menacingly above you, snarling and making you remember what they did to you.


You couldn't tell whose voice that was, but you continued to stare at the hologram until someone shut off the device.  Your vision was blurry, and you could tell that you were shaking.  Tears were cascading down your cheeks as you muttered incoherent things no one understood.


"She's in shock.  What do we do?"

"Do you have any idea what this means?"


"Darkseid is responsible for this."

Damian Wayne x Reader- ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now