How it started?

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Why am I doing this I shouldn't be doing this! THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!


"She's Fifteen Again"


Walking down the streets with a smile shining on her face Marinette was on her way over to her parents bakery.

Once she was at the entrance her phone buzzes in her purse.

"Call for you!" Tikki chirped from inside and pushed the phone out halfway for the blunette.

She grabbed the phone and smiled at the name of the person calling her before answering.

"Hello~" She sang.

"Well Hello princess, you sound like your in a good mood." The voice said. "You had a nice day at work today?"

"Yep!" She said happily "It was a pretty relaxing day compared to before."

"I'm glad." The voice on the phone said. "Are you on your way to get the boys?"

"I'm at the entrance right now. We'll be home in a short while."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. The shoot is taking a little longer than expected so I won't be home for another hour or so."

"Oh..." Marinette frowned at this predicament but quickly brushed aside. "Its fine. I can handle the boys until you get back. I'll even have dinner ready for you."

"Your just too good for me. How did I   ever get so lucky to have you as my wife?"

"All you did was ask Chaton." She giggled. "I'll see you at home."

"I love you Marinette."

"I love you too Adrien."

Marinette hung up the phone with a blush on her cheeks as she entered the bakery.

"You know its adorable how you two are still flirting like high schoolers when your full grown adults." Tikki giggled.

"Oh shush you." Marinette scolded with a smile. "Now keep quiet before someone hears you."

"Marinette?" A voice called from the back.

The girl jumped a little at the sound of her name but quickly responded. "Y...yes?"

Marinette's mother, Sabine, came from around the corner with a smile.

"Hello dear, did you have a good day at work?"

"I sure did! How were the boys? They didn't cause you any trouble getting them from school did they?"

"Of course not those two were perfect angels."

At that moment two little boys came running down the stairs into the bakery with Tom running behind them.

"Come back here you rascals!" Tom shouted with a with a wide grin.

The boys scream as they ran around the bakery trying to get away from there grandpa.



They hid behind their mother. "Help us!" The older one shouted "Grandpa's trying to get us!"

Marinette laughed and patted them both on the head.

Louis was the oldest of the two. He was 5 years old. He had blue hair like his mother and green eyes.

Hugo was the younger one. He was 3 years old with brown hair and also had green eyes. Tucked under his arm he held a Chat Noir doll.

Tom frowned at two. "All I wanted was a hug!" He said before turning away pretending to be sad. "I guess you don't love your grandpa...."

"I do love you grandpa!" Hugo shouted when he ran over to his grandfather.

Louis panicked "Hugo don't do it! Its a trap!"

Tom scooped up Hugo in his arms "I got you!"

Hugo howled in laughter as the large man proceeded to tickling him.

"He's got Hugo!" Louis shouted. "Mama do something!"

Marinette laughed as she walked over to where her youngest was.

"Okay papa I've think he's had enough."

Tom handed Hugo over to Marinette and ruffled the boys hair up a bit.

"Now say goodbye to your grand-"

A buzzing from Marinette's purse interrupted her. She reached down into her purse, minding Tikki to pull out her phone.

It was a message from Alya.

A: There's an akuma attack over by the Effiel tower right now, Chat Noir is on the scene but Ladybug is needed.

Marinette's eyes widen at the message before giving a serious look replying back.

M: Alright I'm on it and please don't get so close to the danger this time. You might give both me and Nino a heart attack.

A: Can't promise you that but I will promise to stay out of you guys way while I get the scoop ;)

Marinette shook her head at the message before turning back to her parents.

"Is something wrong sweetie?" Sabine asked.

"Kinda...I need to run back to the office for a bit, there's an....emergency." Marinette told her parents. "You guys wouldn't mind watching the kids for a little while longer would you?"

"Of course not, you go ahead and take care of whatever it is you need to take care of."

Tom then turned to the kids with a grin. "You know what that means boys?" He puts his hands up in a tickling motion.

They scream and run up the stairs with Tom chasing behind them.

" I better go up and make sure that they don't break anything." Sabine sighed. "I'll see you soon Marinette."

She gave her mother a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. "See you later Mama."

Once out the door she ran towards the nearest alley checking around to see if anyone was watching. Once she realized the coast was clear she let Tikki out of her purse and into the open.

"Wow Hawkmoth must have been busy. Its been awhile since he's released an akuma." Tikki chirped.

"And just like always we're gonna stop him." Marinette spoke. "Spots on Tikki!"

Transformed as Ladybug she swung on her yoyo towards the Effiel tower.


Good Lord it took me forever to figure out this chapter and I finally did it!

Chapters come out so much better when I actually think about my story instead of trying to rush it.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter feel free to tell me what you think?

Blue is........ahhhhhhh!

Future Blue: B**** YOU THINK I'M DONE WITH YOU?!

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