Fearing The Worst

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So after 4 years of being abnormally indestructible.

My phone screen finally cracked...

Oh how the universe loves to f*** with my emotions....joy to the world....

May the universe go shove it RIGHT UP THEIR- (this authors note has been censored due to the amounts of rage the author has unleashed.)


Marinette was lying down on the bed when Chat Noir came back home through the bedroom window that night. They always left the window unlocked so they would be able to get back in the house after a patrol since they don't exactly take their house keys with them.

Tikki perked up a little seeing Chat Noir enter the room and watched as he made his way over to the sleeping blunette.

Chat Noir's ears went flat seeing the dry tear stains on his lady's face. He really wishes they never had that argument, he never wanted to be the reason for her tears.

He climbed on the bed and wrapped his arms around her frame. He pulled her closer to him where her back was firmly pressed against his chest, he buried his face in the crook of your neck and let out a deep purr.

"I know you're awake Mari..." He said giving her a gentle squeeze.

Marinette opened her eyes a little. "You were gone for some time..."

"Yeah....I think we both needed some time to cool off."

"Are you still mad?"

"No....are you?"

"No...I'm just...scared."

"Scared of what?" He had an idea of what she meant, but he wanted to here it from her lips.

"I'm scared....that the next time you jump in to save me could be your last." She took hold of his hand that rested on her belly. "I don't want to lose you..."

"It's my job to make sure you're safe so you can purify the akuma...and with you being pregnant you're even more fragile than ever."

"I know...I know, but I'm just as much of a hero to Paris as you are. I feel like I shouldn't just.....SIT on the sidelines. Not to mention when you got hurt today I felt completely useless. Like I couldn't do anything to help."

"You shouldn't feel that way, besides Rena was there to help so it isn't as much trouble as it could've been." Chat sat up from his side. When Marinette felt him move she turned to look back at him and sat up as well. "You might have a duty to Paris Marinette, but our family is just as important if not more important.....the same goes for me as well."

He rested his forehead against hers. "You were right I was being reckless. I shouldn't keep throwing myself into situations without thinking. I never do because the only thing that mattered to me was keeping you and our children safe no matter what the cost and I wasn't thinking about the consequences."

Marinette looked up into Chat's cat like eyes. "Well you've always been that way Chaton. It's just been a little harder to deal with recently given the circumstances."

Chat chuckled and held both of her hands. "Okay, how about this?" He started. "I promise that I'll be more mindful of the akumas and more careful if you stay out of harm's way during each attack at least while you're carrying our second born. Rena Rouge and I will bring you the akuma so you can purify it. Deal?"

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