A Perfect Life

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Here it is the final chapter.....I think...might be one more after this I'm not entirely good at predicting the future.

Future Self: I am


Future self: Really? We're really going through this again?


The next morning Ladybug and Chat Noir were on the top of Notre Dame. Chat opened the jar that held the akuma and Ladybug caught the insect with her yo-yo.

"Bye Bye little butterfly." she said releasing the now purified akuma into the air. "Now i just have to use my lucky charm."

Chat nodded. "Yep! Once you use your lucky charm you can use your cure and you'll go right back to normal."

The red heroine smiled up at the black cat and took a deep breathe before using her special power. "Lucky charm!"

A red spotted umbrella fell into Ladybug's hands, she blinked and stared at the given item for a good minute until Adrien peered over her shoulder eyeing the item as well.

"An umbrella?" he said with confusion etched in his voice. "What does that mean?"

"It means....." Ladybug's cheeks started to match the color of her mask as she looked up into Chat Noir's green cat like eyes. "It means I'm glad I met you Adrien."

Chat's eyes widened slightly and another memory flashed in his mind. It was of him and Marinette in front of their school on that rainy day they became friends, when he offered his umbrella to her.

The blonde smiled at the memory and at Ladybug. "I'm glad I met you too, Marinette."

The young bug mirrored his smile and stepped forward before tossing the umbrella up in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Multiple bright lights mixed with white, red, and pink expanded across Paris. One of the lights stayed behind surrounding Ladybug before continuing it's journey across Paris. Marinette was taller and her hair changed along with her entire form. Her Ladybug suit changed back into it's previous into it's previous design.

"Marinette?" At the sound of her name she turned around to face Chat Noir. "Are you-?"

The blue haired woman giggled and sent a smile his way. "Nice to see you again Chaton.~"

Adrien's eyes widen and he rushed towards his wife scooping her up in the process. Marinette wrapped her arms around Chat as well and went in for a kiss which he so eagerly returned.


Cheyenne, the girl who was previously akumatized as Flashback, sat in her room staring at her grandfather's now broken watch. The girl sighed, placing the item on her dresser and preparing to head downstairs.

The brunette froze when a trail of light entered her room from the window and circled back leaving from where it came. She blinked confused until she noticed something that made her rush back to her dresser where she found her grandfather's watch as good as new.

Cheyenne picked up the watch holding it close to her heart as the tears began to spill from her eyes, but she held a smile on her face.

"I love you Grandpa...thanks for everything." She continued to smile looking out the window. "....and thank you too, Ladybug and Chat Noir.."


~One week later ~

(I'm writing a letter nightly.... okay that's enough Hamilton for today. FOCUS!!)

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