Confusion and Surprises

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Looks like it's that time guys. Where I guess how many chapters are left before the end of the story.

I'm gonna go with 5 or less...

Pls no tears 😔

Warning this chapter'm not sure what to call this....

Excessive Kissing?

I got nothing...


Adrien arrived home feeling tired as usual after a full day of fake smiles and 'trying to sustain the Agreste family image' as his father would call it. When he closed the front door behind him he nearly jumped at the shout of his name.


When he turned around he was nearly knocked over when Marinette tackled him in a hug.

"Welcome home!" She said before getting on her toes and kisses him on the cheek.

Adrien blinked as he stared dumbfounded for a moment before turning to look at the girl. Her hair was down and she was wearing an evening halter dress with no back and a beading design all across the chest. The dress was knee length and it flowed gracefully with every move she made.

"Marinette what's going on? Why are you all dressed up?" The man decided to ask.

"I thought I'd dress up for dinner tonight." Marinette said grabbing his arm and smiling up at him. "I wanted to make tonight special. You did tell me to surprise you for dinner afterall."

She pulled him along leading them into the dining room. Adrien's mouth watered at the sight of the steaming entree that sat on the table. It smelled so devine and he could practically hear his stomach growling at the sight.

"Well M'lady you certainly surprise me for sure." The blonde smiled down at her.

They ate and chat for about an hour until they were nice and full. When Marinette's plate was empty along with Adrien's she reached over to take his, but the blonde stopped her.

"You cooked so it's only fair that I wash the dishes." Adrien offered. "You can go get ready for bed if you want."

When Adrien did the dishes Marinette still wearing her evening dress came down and handed him a towel and a wash cloth.

"I drew a bath for you. You can go and relax for awhile." She said.

Adrien blinked surprised by the gesture. "Marinette you didn't have to do that. I mean I appreciate it of course but you don't need to trouble yourself."

"It's no trouble at all. I just want the best for you minou~"

Adrien blushed from the nickname wondering how the heck was she still able to make his heart pound with a single sentence. He takes the towel and thanks Marinette before heading towards the guest room upstairs.

"Oh no not in there." Marinette said pushing him towards the master bedroom. "In here."

Adrien raised an eyebrow still a little confused by what was happening, but didn't question it. He grabbed a few of his clothes to put on for sleep and took them with him into the bathroom.

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