Our Future

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I'm FREEEEEEEE!!!! "ψ(`∇')ψ


Marinette turned over on her side, yawning as she rubbed her eyes.

What a dream that was. I hope I'm not late for school....again.

She tried to feel around for her phone, but noticed it wasn't there. She opened her eyes and quickly realized.

This wasn't her room.

Oh god it WASN'T a dream

Marinette shot up out of bed observing her surroundings. The room was quite big and she was lying down on top of a king size bed. She looked down at her outfit, she still had on the pajamas she was wearing when she woke up in Alya's, but she felt like she really needed a shower.

Marinette got out of bed and started to look around, over on the dresser she saw a picture of the older Adrien holding a woman from behind, he was smiling bright with his cheek pressed up against hers and the woman looked back at him with a smile.

She looked closely at the woman, noticing something awfully familiar. Looking over at the woman's ear she saw her earrings.

That's me isn't it? Or at least it's supposed to be..

She looked over to the picture next to it, it had two little boys smiling up at the camera.

Wait...who are-

"Marinette! Your awake!" She looked over to Tikki who came flying into the bedroom through the open door. "Come downstairs you must be really hungry!"

The blunette cocked her head at the red bug "Tikki what's going on? Where am I?"

"Everything will make sense soon okay? You need to put some food in your belly though, or you might pass out again." The kwami giggled floating over to the door.

Marionette followed behind, they went into a hall way and towards the stairs, on her way down she could see the living room, it was really big compared to her own and also really well decorated. Pictures were on the wall. She passed one of herself in a graduation cap smiling brightly while she held up her usual peace sign.

Tikki led her in what she assumed was the dining room. There was good already set up on the table and she could hear movement in another room.

On the table she saw a black creature nibbling on a piece of cheese larger than his own body, when he saw her enter the room he ate the entire thing in one bite and shouted. "Adrien! She's up!"

The blonde came rushing out of the kitchen smiling when he saw the girl. "Hey."

"H..Hi." She said back. She looked down at the the food on the table. "Did you make all this?"

"Um...not exactly." He said rubbing the back of his head. "These are leftovers I put together and heated up. I'm not really much of a cook..."

Marinette nodded, I guess that's understandable if he's been cooked for his entire life.

"I know how to cook a couple things." He added, "..but it's because of you that I even know how to do that much." Adrien pulled out a chair gesturing for her to take a seat, which she did without any complaint. "Go ahead and dig in. You were out for awhile."

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