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Are you ready kids?

Aye Aye Capt-



"What do you mean she's Fifteen again? Does she think she's fifteen?" Adrien asked.

Alya sighed. "No I mean she's literally Fifteen. Both Physically and Mentally, somehow her body and mind went back in time."

"Now that I think about it the akumas name 'Flashback' makes a lot more sense now." Nino added. He brought Adrien a glass of water which he thankfully took.

Adrien drunk the glass. "I don't understand. How would turning us younger help the akuma get our miraculous?"

"To confuse you I guess, not only does she turn you guys younger, but you lose any memories from after the age you turn back to. You'd have no idea you were fighting an akuma." Alya asked.

"It's a good thing you didn't get hit too huh Dude?" Nino added.

"Yeah, but Marinette did. I have to find the akuma and change her back." Adrien headed back towards the room.

Before he could reach the door Alya grabbed his shoulder pulling him back. "Hold on you can't go in there."

"Why not? I want to see her!"

"Well, first off Blondie I'm gonna need you to calm the hell down!" Adrien froze, an angry Alya was never good. "Second, can you think about your approach before you go charging in there. The poor girl is confused and probably scared everything around her has aged."

Adrien stopped to think. "How do you know she's Fifteen? Did she tell you?"

"I asked her what was the last akuma she remembered fighting and she said Volpina."

"The first or the second time?"

"First, she said you guys only fought her once. That was over 10 years ago."

"So what do I do?"

"Just...go easy on her. We're going to have to explain everything to her eventually if you guys are going to catch that akuma, but knowing certain pieces of information like the fact that you two are married will most likely shock her to no end."

Adrien blushed slightly, remembering that this was in fact the time when Marinette had a huge crush on him, which he didn't find out about until around the same time he found out she was Ladybug.

"Okay, I'll try not to overwhelm her with anything." Hand on the knob, he slowly entered the room.

"Tikki I'm so confused. What the heck is going on??"

"It's a lot to explain Marin-" the bug looked over at the door. "Oh hi Adrien."

Marinette froze looking up at the doorway where the blonde came in closing the door behind him.

"Hey Tikki." He said before looking over at the blunette. "Hi Mari."

"H...Hi.." She spoke looking down at her hands.

Adrien sat down on the edge of the bed, not to close that she would feel uncomfortable, but close enough to reach her if he had to. "I'm sorry if my sudden appearance earlier frightened you. I was just really worried..."

"It's...f..fine I was..j...just a little surprised I guess..." She was stuttering, and she wouldn't look at him, she had the reddish blush on her face and Adrien couldn't stop the leaping feeling in his chest from how adorable she looked.

Fifteen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now