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I'd just like to mention that earlier in the chapter I mentioned being stuck underneath a bed.

Well I'd like you guys to know that....I wasn't kidding

I wrote the last 3 chapters while currently trapped underneath my bed cause my fat @$$ wouldn't come unstuck.

I had to call one of my friends to help me get out.

Thank you loganheavenly for walking 15 minutes from your house to get me out of that predicament.

With that said. Lol


Marinette headed upstairs with Tikki into the bedroom she previously found herself awake in. Opening the door she walked over to the bed.

"Are you okay Marinette?" The red kwami asked. Marinette's face turned bright red as she grabbed a pillow screaming into it. "I'm going to guess no."

"Oh my God Tikki! This is all just too amazing, I mean how did I ever make this happen??"

Tikki giggled. "You kept trying and you never stopped believing yourself." Tikki flew over on front of the blue eyed girl.

"What about Me and Adrien? How did that escalate exactly?"

"I think you should ask him that yourself. I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you. Now go ahead and wash up so you can change into a fresh night gown."

Marinette nodded and headed towards the door leading to the bathroom before her jaw dropped. It was huge. It wasn't nearly as big as Adrien's bathroom from back when she was in his house but definitely bigger than her own.

"Could I ever get use to this?" She said to herself with a smile. "Maybe I could."


Chat Noir jumped from rooftop to rooftop overlooking the city. It's already been two hours since he left Marinette at home and yet still no sign of the akuma.

Where could she be? I'm out in the open, she could've had the drop on me by now.

Groaning he took a seat on the rooftop Indian style. "I'm starting to think this is a waste of time. I'd much rather be at home with Mari."

Another memory suddenly crossed his mind. It was a little bit after he found out that she was Ladybug , and she found out he was Chat.

"So you have somewhere to go too?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah, but it won't be long. My dad and I got invited to a dinner party at the mayor's hotel, but once the dinner part is over I'll be out." Adrien said with a shrug.

"So if it's at the mayor's hotel I assume Chloe would be there?"

"Most likely."


Adrien looked over at the girl, noticing the sudden frown on her face. He couldn't help but get this giddy feeling inside himself from the possibility that she was jealous.

He decided to use this to his advantage. "I'm pretty sure it'll be a drag. I'd much rather be spending time with you M'lady."

Fifteen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now