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Just gonna throw out a quick reminder that this story is rated T



"You heard me. I said 'Take off your shirt.'" Marinette demanded once again.

"I don't-"

"You're hurt, it needs to be taken care of, don't make me say it a third time."

Adrien couldn't help but smile at the girl she looked serious about taking care of his wound but he couldn't stop thinking about how adorable she looked right now.

Hoping not to get her angry though, he decided to oblige her request removing his shirt.

Marinette was not ready for what she saw next as the blush started to crawl on her face. His body must have been carved by God himself cause he had the body of a freaking angel! Years as Chat must have done him some good. She wondered if he was still a model.

"Marinette?" Adrien snapped his fingers in front of her getting her attention. "You still there?"

"Oh..I..I'm fine." Marinette pulled out a disinfectant wipe, "Now hold still."

The wound was still fresh and bright red, whatever bleeding he might of had had already stopped by now. The wound went from his shoulder and halfway across his back. This was probably going to leave a scar.

Adrien and Marinette sat in silence while she tended to his wound.

"So.." she finally spoke. "Did you capture the akuma?"

"" He answered. " away."

Marinette raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicion at the way he answered but decided to leave it for now.

"Are you feeling okay though?" She asked concerned.

"I'm fine princess, honestly." He tried to assure her with a smile.

"Still this looks pretty bad, why didn't you go see a hospital or something?"

"What exactly am I going to tell them, that I got it while fighting an akuma? That's why we have the first aid kit, we only go to the hospital if it's absolutely necessary."

"Then why don't you tell them you were just in the vicinity of the akuma."

"Then that would have been a lot of visits to the hospital where the cause was the akuma. We didn't want the doctors putting two and two together and figuring us out."

"Hmm...I guess that makes sense." The blunette said to herself. "But that still doesn't excuse you not seeking immediate medical attention as soon as you realized you were hurt you could get yourself killed."

Adrien chuckled, "Yeah, the girl who went jumping into the mouth of a prehistoric animal is lecturing me."

Marinette rolled her eyes at the blonde, going back to focusing on his wound.

Suddenly another memory had hit Adrien.

Ladybug and Chat Noir sat in the living room of Marinette's apartment. It was a cozy little place, big enough for the blunette alone and a perfect hideout after each nasty akuma.

Ladybug sat on the couch with Chat dressing the wound on his arm. Plagg added a new feature that allowed Adrien to unzip his suit in special situations like now for example, when he needed to be given medical attention.

"I just don't get why you feel like you need to jump in situations without thinking." Ladybug scolded

Chat scoffed at the statement. "Oh yeah like you're the one to talk, which one of us jumped into the mouth of a freaking dinosaur again?"

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