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*goes to look at questions so I can plan next flashback*

Wait....there's no more?

Oh wow I answered all the questions that I wrote down....sweet!

Guess that means I have to get back on the road of resolving this story's plot.....oh boy....


Ladybug leaned against Chat Noir's shoulder as he finished telling the story. A slight blush was somewhat visible underneath her mask.

"That was..... beautiful." She said with a smile. "Although there's one thing I'm a little confused about."

Chat looked over at the young bug.
"What's that?"

"Who's Luka?" Ladybug asked.

"Oh yeah that's right. You don't have those memories of meeting him." Chat chuckled. "Well Luka is Juleka's brother. We both met him during one of the music festivals that the city has every year. He's a really great guy."

"Are you and I still friends with him?"

"Yeah, we still keep in touch. Last I heard he was living in England with his new girlfriend."

"That's nice." Ladybug said before letting out a yawn which didn't go unnoticed by Chat.

"Someone sounds tired. I think it's about time we called it a night."

"I'm fine." Ladybug retorted stubbornly. "Besides...we've made no progress in finding the akuma. We should keep searching."

"It won't do us any good if you're half asleep by then little lady." Chat gave a smile and stood up bringing Ladybug up as well. "We should head home. We'll try again tomorrow."

"But....I'm not...tired..." The blunette began to feel drowsy and slumped against the blondes chest.

In one swoop Adrien rested one hand on Marinette's back and the other underneath her knees to carry her. He smiled when her head rested near the crook of his neck and he tightened his hold before headed back to their house.


Later that night Marinette woke up from her sleep feeling a little thirsty. She noticed Tikki sleeping in a tiny bed on the night stand and got out of the bed got out of hers quietly so she wouldn't disturb her kwami. The blunette headed towards the stairs to make her way to the kitchen.

Halfway down the steps she heard Adrien's voice, it almost sounded like he was talking to someone.

Curiosity took over as Marinette began to quietly step down the rest of the staircase. Being careful so that she wouldn't be seen she stood outside the entrance way into the kitchen and listened.

"I just need a little more time before I'm able to change her back Alya." The blonde said.

Marinette peaked around the corner, luckily Adrien's back was facing her and she realized he was on the phone.

"Yes it's been a little difficult. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep her parents and co-workers from getting suspicion, but I'll figure something out." Adrien sighed and leaned back against the counter. "She wont change back until the akuma is purified so until that happens I'll just make do.

He was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "I promise everything's going to be fine. I'll fix it soon, I just need....time."

There was an unreadable expression on his face that Marinette couldn't make out. After Adrien thanked Alya for watching the kids he hung up the phone and made his way out the kitchen.

Marinette rushed up the stairs and back into her room before Adrien could spot her. Hearing his footsteps she quickly got into bed and pulled the blankets over her so it would appear that she was still asleep.

She heard the sound of the door opening and there was a moment of silence before she heard him sigh.

"She must've been more tired than I thought." He closed the door to leave her to rest.

Marinette felt bad that Adrien was doing so much to keep both of their lives together due to her predicament. She felt that she was being more of a burden to him than he was letting on.

She needed to find Flashback and fix this fast.


The next morning Adrien woke up a little bit later than usual. He didn't have work that day and Alya had been nice enough to drive the kids to school so their grandparents would come get them later today.

He wondered what he should eat for breakfast. Maybe he should go grocery shopping later with Marinette or they could always go out and eat for breakfast.

Adrien figured he'd let her decide, so headed towards the master bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Mari are you awake?" He asked in a cheery tone, but received no answer, so he knocked. "Rise and shine Princess you can't sleep all day.~"


He twisted the door knob and slowly entered the room. "Marinette?" He looked around the room, but Marinette was no where in sight. The bed was empty and the window was wide open. "Marinette?!"

Adrien searched the entire house, but couldn't find the blunette anywhere. Fearing the worse case scenario he took out his cell phone and dialed Alya's number.


*gasps* Marinette has DISAPPEARED??!!


Hope you enjoyed this cliffhanger....I mean chapter.

See ya in the next one.


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