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*sneezes* ugh...excuse me.



It's been two hours, the sun was down and the city lights were beginning to light up the night, Chat Noir was close to giving up, but he wasn't going to stop until he knew his wife was safe.

Where could she be??

No word from Alya or Nino about any akuma sightings. If Ladybug was swinging around Paris Flashback would have made her appearance by now to attack. So why was she keeping quiet?

Chat shook the thought out of his head, I can't think about that right now, first I have to find out where she is and then I can figure out what to do with the akuma.

Sighing he sat on the ledge of the building he was currently on top of.

Ugh if I manage to get her back to normal that woman owes me four croissants and a massage.

His baton beeped, pulling it out from behind him he answered the call.


"Hey Chat, it's Alya. Wanted to tell you that a couple of people posted that they spotted Ladybug over by Notre Dame about 10 minutes ago, if you head over there now you might catch her."

"Alright I'm on my way." Hanging up he extended his baton making his way over to the church.


Ladybug was on top of Notre Dame pacing back and forth. She was having a difficult time trying to wrap her mind around the situation at hand.

"Okay Marinette just calm down for a second..." She took a deep breath. "Somehow you ended up in the future, where your friend's know your Ladybug, you get closer to Adrien and he's..... Chat..."

She stopped putting her hands on her head. "If that doesn't screw with the future I don't know what will."

Tikki seemed to know what was going on, maybe if I de-transform and speak to her I can get an idea.

Placing her hands on her hips she looked over at the city. I need to find a safe place to do it though. I can't exactly go home, do my parents know I'm Ladybug?

She jumped at the sound of movement behind her, on instinct she whipped out her yoyo and got in a fighting stance. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

She looked around, but no one was there. Backing away Marinette decided it was a good time to find another place to think. 

When she turned around to make her leave, she came in contact with another figure who caught her by the shoulder, it wasn't a tight grip, but firm enough to keep her where she was.

Prepared to attack Ladybug gripped her yoyo and looked up at the suspect. She tensed when she noticed those green cat like eyes that she was familiar with.

Chat had always been taller than Ladybug, but given her change in age he towered over her. She felt slightly intimidated, but relaxed immediately future or not she knew Chat wouldn't try to hurt her on purpose. Especially if he was Adrien.

Smiling down at the super heroine he spoke, "Hi there little Lady~"

Ladybug glared at the cat and attempted to break free. "Let me go." She demanded.

"Please just let me explain."

"No! The more I know the more I  might cause a bigger mess for the future I got to try to fix this."

"Wha? Future?" Chat Noir stood confused for a second, then chuckled once he realized what she meant. "Ohh, Mari you didn't come to the future."

"Then how else can you explain all this?!"

"Princess you didn't come to the future, an akuma changed you back to how you were when you were Fifteen. Your actually suppose to be an adult now."

Ladybug stood completely still, "What?"

"There was an akuma, she called herself 'Flashback' she had some sort of power that had her shooting beams and you got hit."

"So I'm only here like this cause an akuma made me younger again?" Chat nodded. "Well where is she? We have to find her so I can change back."

"We'll worry about that later, right now we need to get you somewhere safe. Having us out in the open like this isn't going to do us any good if she decides to attack." Chat leaned down so that he was at eye level with the red bug. "We'll figure something out. We always do."

Chat offered her his hand which she stared at for a moment before taking it in hers.

"I'll explain everything at home. I'm sure you must be hungry." He smiled down at her. Never would she thought there be a day that Chat Noir could make her heart stop. Then again....he WAS Adrien.

"Home? Are you taking me to your house?" She asked.

"'s our house, actually."

"We live together??" So many thoughts ran through her head at what that could have possibly meant. "I...I mean not that I wouldn't m..mind I'm sure your a great roommate and all I..I'm just a little curious at the series of events that l..led to that."

Chat chuckled, wondering whether or not he should tell her, but couldn't help wanting to see how she would react. "Let's just say that 'roommates' wouldn't exactly be the correct term in our case."

He looked over at her, she was looking at him curiously waiting for him to finish so he continued. " and I are married Marinette." He said with a blush.

Chat ended up carrying Ladybug home that night.


Help! I'm trapped under my bed and I can't get out!!!


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