Chapter 21- Lexie

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The blood at the bottom of the stairs had been cleaned and everything looked back to normal. It appeared as if nothing has been touched since Kate left just over 24 hours earlier.

"They did a pretty good job," Mike's said from opening the door behind me. "I made sure they would have everything cleaned up before you returned."

"Come in," I said moving away from the door so he could step inside. "The wind just doesn't want to quit, but at least it has stopped snowing," I said looking at the snow-filled sidewalk.

"How are you doing?" Mike asked shaking the snow off his gloves and slipping them in his pocket.

"I feel much better than the last time you saw me. I can't thank you enough for saving my life."

"I didn't do anything; it was all you. You not only survived a terrible attack but caught our suspect."

"How is he?" I was afraid he would tell me he was dead and I would be accused of murder. "Did you find out who he is?"

"Yeah, his name is Albert DeLorenzo.  He lives about 30 minutes out of the city on a small farm with his mother.  We found a cell phone in his car and we're tracing to see if it belongs to one of the missing girls. While he was regaining consciousness, he mumbled something about a root cellar, so we have a crew heading to his house to check it out. But he appears to be our man."

The mention of the root cellar reminded me of the dirt smell I had encountered over the past month. Albert's comment about burying me with the others made sense. My intuition had been warning me the entire time.

"Thinking back to last night, he must have been in the house when we got back here. I think he was hiding in Kate's room because I kept closing the door and every time I walked by, it was open. I thought I was losing my mind," I sighed.

"I know, I should have stayed with you." I could see the look on Mike's face as if he was recalling our intimate evening.

"Mike, we need to talk about last night." I needed to tell him about Chris and was not sure how to start. I didn't want to hurt him.

"No need to explain Lexie.  I can see it in your face.  I am happy for you; just a little disappointed it didn't work out for us."

"I'm so sorry Mike. I hope we can still be friends."           

He seemed amused by my comment and grinned. "Do you think we can go back to just friends?"

He stepped forward, his face inches from mine and I was looked into the familiar yellow specs of his hazel eyes. His lips touched mine pressing softly against me and without thinking I kissed him back. His arms tightened around my waist, drawing me closer.  I realized what was happening and gently pushed him away.

"I don't think we can be friends," he laughed still holding my waist. "I don't think your boyfriend will like it."

Pushing him further away from me, I noticed Chris standing outside. He entered staring intently at Mike, his jaw tightened and hands in his jacket pockets. "Hello, Detective Miller."

Mike grinned as if antagonizing Chris. "Glad to see you again Chris."

"It looks as if you are done questioning Lexie," Chris rudely stated glaring at Mike. His face not turning red and the veins on his neck protruding.

Mike laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "Yes, I am."

"Will you let me know what you find out in the root cellar Mike?" I asked, curious what the police would find.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know," Mike said.  "I still have your number."  He winked as he opened the front door to leave.  "See you, Chris."

"Well, it looks like that went pretty well," Chris said sarcastically as the door closed, his eyes narrowing on mine.

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