Chapter Two

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Word Count: 3261

   "Boyfriend?" his eyebrows shot up. "Oh yeah..." I said dreamily. "6'8 freshman quarterback at Penn State." I grinned ear to ear, while Jasper's eyes raged like two blue storms. "With an eight-pack, can bench press me with one arm..." I wasn't looking into the mirror now, but staring off into nowhere like a love struck teenager. I caught glimpses of how tight his jaw was. I mean, I hadn't flirted with him today, but I hadn't thrown him off me either.
   "You never said you had a boyfriend," he huffed curtly. I took in his priceless expression one more time before I had to spill. "I'm just messin' with you man," I said. "I've been dead single since second grade." He eyed me suspiciously. "Really, Jasper," I went on, serious now. "Do you really think I could hook a guy like that?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "Penn State doesn't even have a 6'8 freshman quarterback" he informed me, eyes narrowed. I laughed, while he continued. "That could bench you with one arm," he finished with a smug little smirk, waiting until I turned to glare at him to give me a quick up-down. Sure I was a bit curvy and at 5'7, probably a little taller than some girls, but I wasn't that heavy. I just shook it off the comment, because I probably deserved it.

   "But I do still want your number," Jasper said. I rolled my eyes and we exchanged numbers as I finally finished with my hair (though I could have been done a full minute ago).
I pulled my gym bag out of my locker. He looked at it briefly so I explained. "Volleyball tryouts." He flashed a glance at my butt, and I could practically see the spandex glowing in his eyes. I glanced at my phone. "And it's in ten minutes," I mentioned. "So I gotta go." He nodded.
   "And you better hurry up too," I continued. "You don't wanna be late to football." He cocked his head over to one side like a dog does when it's confused. "How did you know that?" he asked suspiciously. Now it was my turn to give him a good up-down, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
He looked down at himself with a bit of confusion. "Also, you would have to be pretty interested in football to know with absolute certainty that Penn State does not have a 6'8 freshman quarterback- that can bench press me with one arm." I smiled, now with my locker door closed as I began towards the gym feeling content. He followed.

   "Let me call that number just to make sure I got it right," he said with a kind of devious smile, but we both knew he was only testing to see if I even gave him the right number in the first place. I did, of course, because even I'm not that bad. I hit decline when the call came through and stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and we continued towards the gym which I had found for my P.E class at second period.
I slipped my way smoothly through the wild crowd, I was good at walking through crowds. My mom had even grabbed the belt loop of my jeans once at a crowded baseball game for me to lead her comfortably through the people. Nobody's perfect though. Some guy slammed me into Jasper while rough housing with another guy. Jasper glared at them both and they profusely apologized, but I couldn't tell if it was towards me or Jasper.
   Moments after that was sorted out, Jasper clasped his hand over the small of my back and directed me towards the wall, but we kept walking. It was almost like he was shielding me from something. That was where his obvious height advantage really was an advantage. He must have seen Summer long before I had caught a glimpse of her. Right now, she was passing right through the same area of the hall we would be right now if Jasper hadn't moved us. So I was glad he had. Not that I was afraid of confrontation, but one with her today was enough and I wasn't in the mood for any more right now. I was busy, and I'm not big on drama anyway.

   "You know I'm not gonna let her bother me, right?" I said after she passed without seeing us. "I'm sure you won't," he replied, pulling away from the wall. "But if I don't have to deal with her, then I'm not going to." I understood that. It was just a shame we all had first period together.
He dropped me off at the gym, and to my surprise headed back the way we came. Had he walked me to the gym, even though it put him out of the way of his own destination? That was kinda sweet. Of course, I wasn't about to go trusting this guy that, for all I knew, was just trying to charm his way into my pants. He would have to earn my trust and respect- two things I didn't waste as handouts.

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