Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Word Count: 2695

Warning: Mild Violence Ahead

   "I don't really give a damn!" I yelled at Jasper. "There's no other way!" He argued. "Then fucking kill me instead!" I threw my hands up angrily. "You're too pretty to cuss like that," he grumbled. "I hate to do this, but I have to agree with Jasper there," Malachi cut in from his position leaning on the wall. "But it still doesn't change that you and Matt fighting is a bad idea." He shot Jasper a pointed look.

   I was currently standing in a room full of people. There was Jasper and Matt who wanted to kill each other- a fight to the death being the only thing they could agree on. There was Maddox and Malachi who also could agree only on one thing, which was that they didn't want their brothers fighting with a risk of either of them being killed. Also on their side was Christopher, while Mark stood on the fence with Bel. Those two didn't exactly like the threat a fight posed to Jasper, but they felt mostly confident Matt wouldn't be able to best him.

   I personally had several things to consider in the whole ordeal. If they fought and Matt won, it would be the death of an innocent boy who I had grown to love and was mostly mated to. If Jasper won, it would be the death of a boy who was innocent and really had nothing to do with the situation directly. I would then stay here with Jasper while Malachi returned home and was inevitably challenged for his alpha title, losing, of course, being weakened by how scarce my human was and the separation between us. I just didn't feel like Jasper fighting Malachi would solve the problem. It was as I had said before, one of the four of us had to die. Or rather, in light of new information, two of us. Preferably, my human half and Malachi. I didn't understand why Jasper didn't just kill him to begin with and let my human side die along with him.

   One argument that Christopher used was that even if Matt did win and I went with Malachi, he would not be strong enough to survive and be would killed off soon anyway. Malachi looked guilty and shameful about that, but then Matt pointed out that the death of Jasper would kill my wolf, thus leaving me entirely human and theoretically restoring Malachi to full strength. That was assuming I had enough human left in me to actually survive that.

   "I still don't understand why I can't just choose one of you," I complained. I heard Jasper sigh. "That's not how it works, Cadence." I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm not going to let you kill each other," I didn't back down. "It's not going to be long before someone challenges him for his alpha title and kills him, along with your human, anyway," Christopher said. "When Malachi inevitably dies, you'll be fully Jasper's so I don't see the point in any of this. "I agree with Alpha," I stated and moved to stand loyally by his side.
"I'm going to kill him whether you two like it or not," Matt sneered. "No stupid alpha is gonna stop me." He only insulted Christopher, because Matt had developed a bit of a soft spot for me. Regardless of how he felt towards his twin brother's partial mate however, insulting my alpha was not acceptable. Of course, I hadn't officially been brought into the pack yet, but I had been living under his roof long enough to respect Christopher more than any of the other males in this room besides Jasper.

   "Well, Jasper, you have my blessing. Do whatever you want with him." I flicked my hand dismissively and directed my attention towards my desperately in need of cleaning fingernails. "And my blessing as well," Christopher agreed, struggling to hold back a growl and remain calm. "Matthew!" Malachi scolded from behind us. "I'm going to die anyway, don't risk your life when the pack needs you!" Matt rolled his eyes. "I'm not risking my life," he chuckled sourly. "And when I kill him, it will kill her wolf and you'll be strong as ever. It's a win-win."
   "Kill him, Jasper," Bel snarled, irritated. I guess the things our dad had done to her had hardened my precious, sweet baby sister a bit. Or a lot, perhaps. "Jasper this is stupid!" Maddox protested. "Malachi's right. When he dies soon you won't have to worry about it anymore, and you won't have the issue of killing the next in line alpha of another pack hanging over your head." Maddox was making his offer sound like the deal of the century.

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