Chapter Fourteen

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Word Count: 3719

"Um...did we wake you?" I said to Fiona, quickly trying to change the subject. She stood at the threshold of the kitchen, cloaked in the moonlight that shadowed her face, but accentuated the red in her hair. "No, I just woke up from a dream," she told us. She sat down at the table expectantly, waiting for us to answer her first question.

"We were just a little hungry and came down for a snack," I explained. Fiona nodded but her expression stayed the same. She was still waiting on an answer and she wasn't about to give in. I sighed heavily.

"Do you remember when you said our parents wouldn't be harmed?" I asked so quiet I briefly wondered if she had even heard me. Her face went on alarm, asking an unspoken question. "Derek killed our mother," I gave the answer. Fiona clasped a hand over her mouth in a loud gasp, but made the effort to stifle it. "B-but..." she stuttered. "I don't understand, how could this happen?" I watched as she looked from me to Bel in horror and confusion. "Because Derek is our father."

There were no words to describe the silence that fell. Even the bugs stopped crawling when they heard that. It encompassed the house like it was a catacomb. That dead silence was everywhere, so quiet I might have wondered if I had gone deaf suddenly. It sounded just like the moment after someone's last breath, before anyone has had the chance to start crying, and they're just standing perfectly still waiting to see if the person will take in one more gulp of air. It weighed a thousand tons and was suffocating me quicker than any plastic bag over my head could have.

"Y-your...fath-father?" Fiona questioned through a breathy whisper that didn't want to ask that at all. Bel and I both nodded. "That's why he didn't hurt me very badly," Bel spoke up. "He said that if I were anybody else, he would have tortured me, but since I was his daughter he would find other ways of breaking me. So he killed mom."

Fiona sat quiet for a moment before she replied. "Well that certainly changes things," she spoke slowly and carefully. "Why hadn't you told us this before?" I exchanged a glance with Bel. "We thought you guys would hate us," I explained. Fiona gave a confused expression. "Hate you? Of course not," she said as if it was the craziest thing she had ever heard. Apparently, Derek being our father was more believable that them hating us because of it.

"We're also part werewolf," Bel added sheepishly. Fiona's face lit up. "Yes, you are!" she exclaimed as loudly as a whisper could get. Apparently, werewolves do not stay in a state of shock for long. That only further suggested I was part wolf, as I was always one to take bad (or otherwise strange) news well. Maybe me being a werewolf myself was the reason I had always believed in them deep down. "Jasper and Maddox will be thrilled!" Fiona said. "It was actually killing them to think that their mates were human. They love you two, of course, but they knew how careful they would have to be around you and the things they would potentially have to miss out on."

She rambled on for a little while, clearly not meaning to make Bel and I feel bad for being human. Or, half human. "I wonder if you two could shift?" she said, perhaps more to herself than to us. She must have noticed the interested and confused looks we were giving her. "Well you are half wolf," she went on. "It is possible that, if you were taught how, you could learn to shift. I'm not sure if you could, but I know the boys would love to try it out."

"They could teach us?" Bel asked with more excitement than a whisper could contain. "Shh!" I directed at her. "Possibly," answered Fiona. "But for now, you girls need to get to bed." We both nodded and placed our empty bowls in the sink. We trotted back up to our room as quietly as possible.
"Can you imagine?!" Bel squeaked as she grabbed my hands and started hopping around. "Being wolves!" I shushed her again and tried to keep her from hopping. "I know, I know!" I answered, unable to hold back my excitement that was nearly as great as Bel's. I glanced at the bed. "First thing in the morning, we tell the boys everything," I suggested. She nodded vigorously before scurrying to the bed and shimmying down under the sheets. I did the same, and even though we were supposed to sleep, two hours later we were both still wide awake.

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