Chapter Three

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Word Count: 3480

It's Friday night and Bel and I are getting ready. I had explained to mom and dad already about the double date plans. It was a good thing too because going on a double date with her big sister was the only way mom was going to let Bel go. Of course, Bel didn't know it was with me yet. All she knew was that I had my own date. Neither of us knew where the date was going to be either. All we had been told by either boy was to get kinda dressed up- but not too fancy. It was a fitting day to go out, since we had all made it onto our respective sports teams that week, and Bel and I had each celebrated a birthday. Her's Wednesday, mine Thursday.

I wore a black dress that showed off my figure, but nothing slutty. Bel had on a white one in a very similar style as my own, with one inch straps and a square neckline for both. We complimented our looks with shoes in the same color as our dresses and light jewelry. Bel wore a string of tiny pearls around her neck and pearl earrings. I had on a black bow choker and modest black dangle earrings that really went well with my swept up side bun. Just because we were sisters, Bel decided to do her hair the same as mine. Or rather, I did her hair, but she chose the style.

The final accent of our outfits were clutch purses that only differed as mine was black and hers was white.
Minutes later we heard a vehicle outside. "Go go go!" Bel squealed, knowing that my date had arranged to pick me up at a time earlier than she would be leaving. "Not until he knocks," I replied. We watched as Jasper exited a dark blue Ford Expedition. I smiled inwardly as he made a point to keep his head down, hat on, almost as if he were expecting us to be watching out of the upstairs window. If Bel saw his face, she would surely recognize him when he came to get her later.

A firm knock came on the door. I tried not to rush downstairs, but it was hard not to with Bel pushing me. Like an Angel, mom called Bel away just before dad and I went to the door. Quite a few 'touch my daughter and I'll kill you's', and, 'yes sir's' later, Jasper and I were on the way down the road.

I couldn't hold back a smile, thinking about what Maddox and Bel would do when they found out about mine and Jasper's trick. That thought meandered further and further from my mind with every mile we drove. By now, Jasper had turned onto a kind of back road. It was well taken care of with minimal traffic. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked. He smiled broadly. "You're going to love it," was all he said. "But where?" I persisted. "It's a surprise," he said, still not giving me an acceptable answer. I crossed my arms and made an exaggerated pouting face that I was kind of famous for. I huffed and turned away from him and focused my attention out the window.

"You're cute when you're mad," he commented smoothly. I huffed again. "If you don't tell me where we're going I'm gonna start getting real cute," I growled. He chuckled. It wasn't that I didn't like surprises, because in fact I loved them, I just didn't trust Jasper. "Relax, we're almost there," he told me calmly. He wasn't lying about that, we arrived hardly five minutes later. The restaurant was a lovely one, it looked somewhat big and expensive for something found practically in the middle of nowhere on the side of a road that appeared to be mostly unknown to the rest of the world. Inside, it proved to be the very laid back type. It had a rustic feel, but not too casual. My outfit was perfect for the occasion, as was Jasper's. He wore solid black dress pants that looked like they went with a full suit. He paired it with a dark green button up shirt and no jacket. He actually looked pretty sexy in his simple yet appropriate attire. The thin fabric of the button up did little to hide the muscles in his biceps, forearms and chest.

We walked in, arm in arm, the place was close to empty. Jasper led me to a table on the other side of a room divider, close to a man with dark blond hair and hazel eyes that had spotted us the moment we walked in. He sat alone and I dismissed him, he was probably just waiting on someone. "I'm gonna send you a text when I get back so you'll know we're coming, okay?" he said. I nodded and smiled. "If you get hungry you don't have to wait on us," he continued. "I'll be back in a few." With that, he left the restaurant, making clear eye contact with the man I had seen. The mystery guy then looked at me before returning his attention to the menu. Throughout the evening, he continued stealing glances at me, but never ordered any food despite his interest in the menu he must have read three times by now.

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