Chapter Eleven

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Word Count: 3386

   The four of us piled into the mustang to leave the scene when all our reunions were finished. I sat in the middle in the front between Jasper and Mark. Maddox, Bel and some guy I didn't know but must have been friendly, all sat in the back. The expedition was loaded too, with Fiona and her husband and several other guys that I assumed were part of Jasper's pack. Had all those people really come just to rescue Bel and I? Most of the ones that came I had never met, with the exception of Mark, Jasper, Maddox and their parents. I wondered if the others had come of their own accord or if they were just following orders from their alpha and son's.

   "I could kill you for this," Jasper muttered to me, the happiness of having me back dissolving into frustration. I was going to say something along the lines of 'if we had left earlier, we could have saved my mother', and then chased it with 'you said my parents wouldn't get hurt'. I decided against it though, I wasn't ready to tell him about that just yet. I was glad that even without having to speak, Bel was on my same page. "I told you I would stop at nothing for my sister," I replied blankly. Jasper didn't answer. I knew it was because he would have done the same thing for Maddox.

   Jasper drove us back to his house without much being said besides Maddox's whispers and Bel giggling. I slid out of the car through the drivers seat behind Jasper when we got parked. He placed a hand on the small of my back and bent down to my ear. "I want you to take a shower when we get inside. You've got Derek's scent all over you." I would have chuckled at the notion, but Derek was my backstabbing father so it was hard to be anything other than morbid. Nonetheless, I showered when we got inside because I wanted to wash him off me too.

   I scrubbed my skin nearly to the point of wearing it right off. It was my way of focusing on something other than all these tragic events that wanted to break me and make me cry. Borrowing a razor and shaving cream I thought to be Jasper's, I also shaved my legs and underarms. I was sure he wouldn't mind.
I didn't know what I was going to do for clothes either. This time, I hadn't left them somewhere to get wet and filthy, but I knew better than to put them back on with dad's scent all over them. Once again, I left the bathroom in a towel. I thought how my mom might have been mad about that. It used to irritate me, now I was wishing I could hear her gripe at me for it again. I would gladly let her yell at me one more time if it meant getting to see her- if it meant that she wasn't dead.

   I checked the floor next to the door just in case there were clothes there. Much to my contentment, there were. Happiness was exchanged for suspicion when I saw it was a dress complete with underwear. In fact, it was the sundress I had worn the second day of school when Bel matched me. He broke into my house and stole my clothes I thought. I sighed and shook my head, but I went back into the bathroom and put the dress on anyway.

   I wanted to ask Jasper about it, so I knocked on his door. He answered fairly quickly. "Where did you get this?" I asked, pulling out the sides of the dress to show that was what I was talking about. He smirked and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I couldn't keep giving you my clothes," he defended himself. "So I went to your house and got yours."

   I eyed him up and down. I wanted to ask how he got in, since nobody was home then. I found myself unable to speak, because that was just it- nobody had been home. Mom might have been, but dad killed her this morning. Just the thought of that took away my ability to speak.

   I nodded at his explanation and started to leave and get away from him. If he saw me cry now, be would know something was up and I wasn't ready to tell him about it. "And all your stuff is in the guest room," Jasper went on, following me out of his room. I needed to be away from him, he needed to leave. He took me down the hall to another room. He opened the door for me and left promptly.
In the room were many of my things, it bothered me Jasper had raided my room. What had he done in there? My shoes were lined up against the wall, and I could guess the wardrobe was packed with my clothes. The most in important thing in the room, however, was the girl sitting on the bed. She was dripping wet, wearing the same dress as me. She must have showered too and they left her with the same dress they had given me. She was so beautiful.

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