Chapter Seven

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Word Count: 3576

   Eventually I cried to the point I could no longer function and Jasper had carried me back to his room. He sat on the bed with me, willing me to calm down from the best I can remember. I did calm at some point as my wet sobs turned into patches of dry hyperventilating. No, this was not a pretty cry. This was an ugly cry. This was the kind of cry you reserve for your closet when you're home alone. But here I was, doing it in a house full of werewolves and one who had a thing for me. Or at least, I think he did before he saw me like this.

   I was getting over heated spending so much time wrapped up in Jasper's body heat. I had no choice but to push away. I laid on his bed, my back to him, embarrassed. In every way mortified. There would be no sitting next to me in class or taking me on dates; following me to my locker after last period. He would avoid me like the plague after this break down. With that thought came a picture of him and Summer, her flawless body pressed up against his. Smiling at each other and being happy together- and I didn't know why that bothered me so much.

   I felt Jasper rubbing my back, respecting the fact that I didn't want to show my face. I had managed to keep it buried in his chest up until this point, so maybe he hadn't seen it yet and wouldn't think I was a complete loser. But why did I care? I never cared what people thought.

   I felt the bed dip as he laid down beside me, the body heat feeling as though it could burn like an actual fire. I sat up from the bed to escape it, but it didn't diminish. I stood so that Jasper wasn't even close to me now, but I could still feel the irrational heat. "I...n-need a sh-o-ow-er," I mumbled and stuttered between fits of scattered breathing. Still respecting my wishes, Jasper led me to the bathroom I had already cried quite a few tears in. He started the water, hot and steaming. Then he left, which I was thankful for. I immediately turned the water to cold and stepped in. It barely helped the heat under my skin, just like before when I had gotten so hot and taken a cold shower.
After a while, I finally felt cool enough to come out. I turned the water off, dripping wet as I looked at myself in the clear and not foggy mirror. My face wasn't puffy and red anymore, it looked normal. Presentable. I turned one side of my mouth up, but it wasn't quite a smile. Oh, but the wonders a cold shower could do.

   I wrapped myself in a towel I found in the cabinet and ventured out into the hall. I would have just put my clothes back on, but other than the fact they were dirty, I had stripped them off and thrown them down negligently next to the shower and soaked them when I stepped out. I found a folded t-shirt and a pair of jeans as well as underwear that I was sure belonged to Fiona. The bra was too small, as we're the panties. I did manage get the shirt on, though it was a tight squeeze around my chest. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get those jeans over my hips. I sighed and took the shirt off too, because how silly would I look in only a too tight t-shirt and nothing else. So once again, wrapped in a towel, I left the bathroom. I tried not to think about what my mother would say.

   I wandered around the upstairs, hoping to run into Fiona. I had a feeling she would remain downstairs, but I had no bravery to go down because I knew the risk his father would be there too. Instead, I knocked on Jasper's door as softly as I could but still being loud enough to be heard. Not two seconds later, Jasper opened it for me. Instantly his eyes started wandering their way down the towel. "I left you some of moms clothes outside the bathroom," he said to me while he finally drug his eyes back up to meet mine. "They didn't fit," I told him as shy as I think I have ever spoken since I was maybe seven. I could tell by the smirk on his face he used no guesswork in figuring out why.

   He gestured for me to come into his room with one hand on the knob and one extended out. I tentatively took the invitation. "Let's see if we can find you something of mine to wear," he offered after he closed and locked the door behind me. He strode over to his closet, his very large closet, and began riffling through it. He pulled out a white t-shirt of his and some dark gray sweat pants. With another grin I didn't like very much, he handed the articles to me. I made him wait on one side of the curtained bed while I changed on the other side. I couldn't see him through both of the curtains drawn across the length of the bed, and I hoped he couldn't see me.

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