Chapter Three

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Meeting new people

I'm waiting at my car for Jared and Meg. I'm getting impatient I've been sitting here for 5 minutes and I've had 3 calls from the twins school telling me I'm late and that I need to get there 10 minutes ago.

I look out the window and see both of them in a group walking out of the school front doors.
"Are you two fucking kidding me, I've been out here for ages and here you are strolling out of school without a care in the world. You fucking idiots I've got to pick up the twins are you coming or are you walking the fuck home."
"Hey chill we forgot to tell you that were both going to a friends house."
"No your not I don't know these people there no way your going there without me knowing them and their folks, so tell them we either go to their house together so I can make sure there parents are ok with this or you get in the car and we go home, you've got until I come back with the twins to decide." I say as I speed walk to the twins school. I find them both sitting by the front desk
"Your late, this can't happen again." the women on the front desk says to me.
"I know I'm so sorry it won't happen again." I say as I grab the twins and dash back out of there before I get another lecture.
"Hey munchkins how was school today." I ask and then they told me about there day while walking to the car talking over each other and all excited to tell me about there new friends and teachers and what they learnt.

When I got back to the car I saw everyone crammed into the backseat I gave the twin to Jared and Meg so they could make the appropriate room for them. I got into the front seat and turned to face all the kids in my car. All of which had huge smiles on there faces
"Ok so where too?"
The boy in the front seat next to me turns and starts directing me to this huge ass mansion

Everyone piles out of the car and rush to the door while I take the twins out. Sarah shouts back that she'll send her Mom out to meet me.

"Jared, Meg don't you dare step into that house without being invited get your butts back over here." I yell.

A couple if minutes later a small rotunded women comes to the door, she's around 5'2 brunette and has a smile on her face that seems like no matter what it will always be there,

"Well don't just stand there come on in my dears, Sarah and Logan are you in the games room your welcome to join them," she says to Jared and Meg while ushering me and the twins into a hallway and proceeded to walk down it.

I glance around the house marvelling and the pure size and elegance of the house but what really shocked me is the homely feeling it has to it, like it's always filled with laughter and lots of family.

"Thank you for inviting us into your home Mrs Johnson, I'm sorry if we were interrupting a family gathering" I say slightly unsure as I hear signs of life coming from every room we pass.

"Nonsense my dear your not interrupting anything."

We stop at a room and Mrs Johnson slips her head in the door and finally opens it wide enough for me to peer inside. When I did I see around 20 kids around the twins age it looks like they were painting it seemed to be everywhere in each other's hair and all over there clothes. Now the twins have started to squirm in my arms eager to meet some friend and get dirty just like them.

"Your welcome to put the twins in there." Mrs Johnson says.

I gave her a grateful smile and set the kids into the floor. Before running off they both look at me for permission to enter. I gave them a slight nod as soon as they get the ok they sprint into the room and started speaking to any and everyone.

"Thank you so much for that but it wasn't necessary, I can impose any longer then I should."

"Well at least stay for dinner sweetheart, it looks like your siblings are busy having fun." she said as she opens the door to the kitchen

"And as you can see I always cook to much."

I was standing in the most modernised kitchen I have every set foot into with pile and piles of food stacked on hot plates and in the ovens and microwaves or on hobs and baking trays, I stand there taking in all the smells and sights and feel myself start to slobber and drool. I turn my head to the left to glance outside the window and see around 3 man standing over a 5 different BBQs cooking an assortment of meats.

I glance at Mrs Johnson.

"Are you sure you've cooked enough." I sarcastically say with a gentle smile on my lips to let her know I'm just ribbing her.

She lets out a full belly rumbling laugh that sound so particular coming from such a short bit of a women have I start to chuckle right along with her.

"I'm so sorry dear I've been extremely rude, I didn't even introduce myself did I, my names Rose Johnson sweetheart, what might yours be?"

"Well it's nice to finally make your acquaintances Mrs Johnson. I'm Mac. Mac Wolf ma'am."

"Ma'am oh no dear place call me Rose or Rosie" she chuckles.

"Sorry ma'am errr so sorry Mrs Johnson umm Rose sorry." I say nervously unsure which to actually call her.

I start to feel very self conscience as she stares up at me with a teasing grin in her face.


I whip my head towards the backdoor and see the most beautifully stunning girl I have every seen. Standing at a small 5'4 a couple of inches shorter then my 5'8, she has straight platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes. She is nothing short of perfection. From her athletic stature which has just a hint of muscle to her confident stance, she standing there looking gorgeous in the tiniest pair of hot pant I have ever seen with a spaghetti string vest, that has me checking I have my mouth shut.

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