Chapter Five

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Mac pov

"Hello sweetheart, how was the run."

I hear Rose say to the beautiful blonde standing at the door. I know I'm staring at her I can feel it but I can't help myself, I feel like I should wipe my mouth however I know I can't do it without them both speaking.

I see the confused look on the girls face and she turns to Rose.

"It was fine mom thanks for asking" She said hesitantly.

"Oh where my manners, Mac this is my daughter Jessica, Jess this is Mac. Mac's family are new in town and I've invited them to dinner with us sweetheart."

Jess looks at me and glances over me with a slight smile on her face which gives me a little boost of confidence. Well enough confidence without stuttering or mumbling.

"Hey Jessica it's nice to meet you." I say reaching out my hand, she grabs it firmly and replies

"Likewise but you can call me Jess."

My lips start to tug upwards.

"Mac, Mac" I hear the twins shout.

I tear my gaze away from Jess and look to the kitchen door seeing the twins run into the room and jump. I crouch down and catch them before they can fall.

"What's going on with you two eh?" I say softly.

They bury their heads into my shoulders and shake their heads. I glance over to Rose and Jess and jerk my head towards the door and walk out and sit in the very empty living room. I gently pull the twins out of my shoulder.

"Come on now you two what happened? Why the sad faces?"

They shake there heads yet again and tears start falling down there faces.

"Hey munchkins you know I hate it when you cry, please it's killing me not knowing what's brought on the tears."

"Wh whe when we we were in the room wi with the other kids they st star started ask asking things about our family and when we as said tha that you looked after us they asked were mom an dad were." Ryan says through tears and snuffles, I look over to Emily and see her nodding and crying.

It breaks my heart seeing them cry and I know that there is nothing I can say or do to make then stop feeling the pain their going through, so I just hug them to me letting them cry their tears and rocking them gently whispering words of love, comfort and apologises.

We end up staying their for a while and I patiently wait until they stop crying. Once they calmed down enough I start asking them if they met any new friend and if they did anything. They reply timidly at first and then get more animated and excited about telling me all the different things they had done. Before I knew it Rose poked her head into the room and called us for dinner. The twins were ecstatic about staying now having gotten over the early situation they wanted to return to their newly made friends.

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