Chapter Eight

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Mac pov

After everyone ate they all started winding down and leaving, I sat there watching everyone feeling a little out of place. Tommy and Jess were talking about who knows what so I went and collected the twins.

Once I got to the table they were sitting out surrounded by equally food covered toddlers, I felt a little bad for the women who was currently trying to wrestle a bone out of the hand of the cutest blond haired blue eyed girl I ever seen. The toddler turned to me gave me a toothy smile and then proceeded to try and bit the women's hands.

I gave out a little chuckle and then I was just about to bend down and grab the twins when I felt someone run their hand down I back.

"I'm Mac how can I help you beautiful" I asked a little intrigued but the women standing there.

"Well honey it looks like your leaving and I didn't even get a chance to say hello." She leans towards me biting her lip while saying this.

I watched her a little weirded out I mean come on I'm standing in front of a table full of toddlers.

I glanced behind me to the table and see that the kids were otherwise engaged except of course the munchkins and they're giving me their undivided attention I gave then a calming smile, and then turn back to the girl switching my weight from one foot to the other, I scratch the back of my head praying for someone to save me.

But of course because it's me and god hates me, the women leans forward and tries to make me choke on her tongue. I quickly rip my mouth away from her, grab the twins in both of my arms and sprint towards Meg and Jared who are still sitting with their friends.

"Come on you two me go to go." I say little out of breath and walk towards Rose

"Rose I'm so sorry but the twins are getting a little tired I need to get them back." I say apologetically, while looking around nervously expecting the girl to jump out of nowhere and attack me.

"Of course dear I understand, you go on and get those little ones home." she says kindly.

"Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality it means so much and my whole family had a good time thank you very much." I say sincerely.

"No need for your thanks dear, you and your family are welcome anytime, and please next time invite your parent, as you can see there's always a crowd of us and it would be good for them to get to know us." She says innocently.

I give Rose a strained smile and turn around checking to make sure Jared and Meg are making their way over to us. Once I've confirmed they are I say thank you again to Rose and Mr Johnson. I then glance over to Jess and offer her a gentle smile, and address both her and Tommy.

"I'm sorry we didn't get more of a chance to talk, but umm may maybe I'll see you tomorrow..."

Jess looks at me confused.

" Err a a at sch. School." I say nervously.

She then gets me fully blown smile.

After seeing that I start to calm down, I get her a smirk and wink. I say another quick thank you and goodbye to Mr Johnson and make my way to the car.

Once at home I got the twins tucked into their beds and said goodnight to Jared and Meg and crashed onto my bed.

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