Chapter Sixteen

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Hi everyone I'm not much for writing before the chapter starts but I just wanted to thank the people that are reading the story and especially for the comments left.


I can't believe she kissed me, whole shit she kissed me wow.

My grins about to split my face and I'm red as anything, I start dancing around the kitchen well as close to dancing as I can get because I know I can't dance to save my life. I start cleaning up and heck I think I was humming as well.

Jess POV

Mom can you please tell me what's happened

Mom please don't ignore me please

I'm 5 minutes away from home and I feel like my time is going at a snails pace, I slam my brakes on and run into the medical centre.

"Mom where's Tommy is he ok?"

I run into Tommy's room but my mom grabs my arm and tugs me back before I can get the door fully open.

" Sweetheart you have to calm down I can't let you charge into that room"

"Mom are you serious, you won't tell me if he's alright or not and now you won't let me see him."

"You just have to calm down ok I can't let you barge in there ok. So how about you take a deep breathe and let me explain what's going on."

I took a deep breathe and glared at my mom

"Thank you, ok so something has happened, you see Tommy's ok. He's having difficulty breathing at the moment because of the wound but he's ok."

"Mom that's great, I can believe it left go see him." I say excited to see Tommy

"Come on mom lets go."

My mom grabs my arm and drags me back.

"Sweetheart there was something else."

"What mom what could possible be bad you just told me that Tommy's great."

"I said he was ok baby, but he nearly died, heck he did die."

"But he's alive now right you told me so." I say hesitantly

I was getting a little scared as to wear this conversation was going.

"Ye this alive but his wolf. It's gone baby."

"What do you mean it's gone, wolfs don't just go there a part of us they don't just go when they feel like it." I angrily say.

"I know and I've spoken to Miranda and she said that she's not sure if his wolf sacrificed himself so Tommy could like or whether he just expelled all his energy trying to keep Tommy alive and is just buried deep within Tommy's conscience trying to heal himself."

"So his wolfs ok right I mean he didn't die right, he can still shift and everything right mom? right?"

Tears start streaming down my face, my wolf is trying to be strong but I can feel the pain she is feeling at every word my mom is saying.

"No baby he won't be able to shift, unless his wolf comes back."

"So what's going to happen mom?"

I feel like a 5 year old asking my mom to fix my problems but I can't help he's my best friend how am I suppose to, how am I suppose to be the person I have to be without him walking by my side, I don't want to go anywhere without him there.

"We just have to be there for him sweetheart, and make sure he knows that he's still part of the family."

I nod my head and wipe my tear on the sleeve of Macs t-shirt. I put a smile on my face and walk into Tommy's room.

"Hey Tommy, how you feeling?"

Hesitantly I walk toward the bedside and sit down.

"Not to be can't want to get back on my feet and shift, I'm getting all claustrophobic stuck in this room."

His voice comes out strained and scratchy making me wince.

"Claustrophobic jeez that a big word mate, did that bump on the head knock some brains in there too. But seriously come on it's only been what a couple of day or so an for most of it you were asleep."

He gives me his cheeky grin as best as he could. I shake my head amused.

"Tommy did the doctor talk to you?"

He nods his head and tears start to build up in his eyes

"It's ok we'll sort it ok everything's going to be fine I promise, ok don't worry about a thing, I'll fix this." I say earnestly.

Begging with my eyes for Tommy to no cry, but it just make it worst tears started sliding down his face and they were going faster, I leaned over and pulled him into a hug.

"Tommy we're family ok, your my best friend and there's no way that I'm letting this bring you down ok, I mean come on this is my chance to beat you in a fight now." I say trying to make him smile.

I pull back and look him in the eyes and I see them brighten slightly.

"Ye right you beat me, I mean come on Jess for an alpha to be, your a big pussy."

A smile spreads across his face.

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