Chapter Four

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Jess pov

"Wake up Jess now, you've already missed the first half of school, there's no way in hell are you staying in bed all day."

I hear my mom shout. I wrap my pillow around my head to try and block out the noise.

"5 more minutes" I mumble

I close my eyes to try to get back to sleep.

"Wake your ass up right now" she growls while grabbing my quilt and dragging it off of me.

I growl back at my mom and throw a glare at her.

"I'm up ok now can you get the hell out of here so I can get dressed."

"Course I can sweetie ill have food on the table for you when you get downstair." my mom says smiling sweetly and innocently at me and starts skipping out of my room.

I shake my head laughing to myself. she's unbelievable I think to myself while taking a deep breath. I start to smile feeling particularly happy today like something good is going to happen. I hop out of bed with a spring in my step, I run into the bathroom and jump into the shower, I start feeling my body relax and my muscles loosen and start to wake up. After I finish washing up, I walk back into my room and straighten my hair and put a little bit of make up on so it still looks natural, throw some clothes on and go downstairs and into the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and chuckle at what I see.

"Mom you know it's only me eating don't you everyone else has already had breakfast."

"Nah nuh sweetie this isn't breakfast this is dinner you took hours to get ready, everyone's coming her for dinner." She said with an amused smile on her face.

"Oh ok then mom ill just wait for dinner, I'm gunna go grab Tommy and go for a run. Bye mom see you soon." I called while walking out of the kitchen and into the garden. I don't hear mom reply.

"Hey baby why don't you shake that ass a little more I love to watch you sway."

I turn around and see Tommy leaning on the wall with a huge grin on his face.

I give him a fake glare and shout back "Come on perv, I gots ta run so let's go."

I start stripping off the little bit of clothes that I had put on just minutes before and leap into the air shifting as soon as I leave the floor, and by the time I hit the floor I am fully transformed into my wolf. I stand at 6ft my coat is pure white like freshly fallen snow with black paws and the tip of my tail is black, with a sky blue outline of a wolf howling at the moon as a sign that I am a soon to be alpha of the Johnson pack.

You see a wolf howling at the moon is the sign of the Johnson pack. Therefore the Alpha, Luna, future Alpha and there mate will bear this sign, until the future Alpha takes their place and the sign will change along with the name if the new Alpha chooses for change it.

I turn around I glance at Tommy who is still leaning on the wall. I start to mind link with him

Come on perv I haven't got all day and everyone's coming for dinner and I've gots to run.

I sprint off seeing Tommy standing there leaving it up to him to catch up and find me, because I know he'll be trailing behind me soon enough.

Hey I can believe you left me standing there

I laugh even through mind link I can hear his indignation.

I slow down enough so we are running side by side, we start playing around nipping at each other and then running off, running through streams and chasing squirrels and rabbits, as it was just to blow some steam and energy.

I glance at the sky and see that it's coming up to dinner time and if we were late mom would kill us

Come on Tommy we've got to get back in time for dinner otherwise my mom will string us both up.

Me and Tommy start to sprint back to the pack house. We find our clothes in the middle of the garden surrounded by pack members. We both shift back into human forms and start picking up and dressing into our clothes which are left in exactly the same place as we had stripped and lead right up to the back door.

As I am putting the last article of clothing on I turn my head and see a boy around 15 year old walking to me. I stand there confused looking at him, he isn't familiar and I know everyone of my pack and area, even his scent is unfamiliar, I sniff again and find that he is human.

"Hi, I'm Jared." he said to me with a flirtatious smile on his face.

I frown down at him and glance towards my little brother and arch my eyebrow. No further communication was necessary he runs over and starts to drag his new friend away from me while apologising.

I turn away from both of them and push the door open, it hits against the wall with a bang.

I turn towards the oven, to see my mom standing there with a man next to her both staring at me with a startled look an their faces.

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