Chapter Seven

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Mac pov

I place the twins on the floor and they run out of the living room we were occupying to find there friends. I stand up and glance towards Rose.

" Hey I'm so sorry about that, I had to - " I try to explain

"Nonsense my dear you don't have to explain now how about you follow me and we go get some lunch as it seems like all your siblings are already there." she chuckles.

"Thank you" I say gratefully.

I then follow Rose through the kitchen I peer out of the window and see Jess sitting at the table. I start to walk more confidently and a put a little cocky smirk on my face and then I stroll out of the kitchen door and into the garden.

Rose leads me to the head of the table and has me sit next to a tall sandy blonde hair man around my age, he has the same physique as me and has forest green eyes. He turns to me with a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey, I'm Tommy" he introduced himself.

"Hey Tommy I'm Mac, how you doing?"

" Pretty good can't complain, So your new in town eh, do you know anyone here?" he askes.

"No not really, I just came cause my bother and sister are friends with Sarah and her brother."

"Well let me introduce you to my best friend, Mac this here is Jess. Jess this is Mac he's new in town."

I chuckle to myself as I hear Tommy introduce me as a a he.

Jess glances at me and smiles nervously at me

"Ye I know Matt we met earlier. Hi how are your brother and sister?"

"Their good thanks" I say smiling gratfully at her.

I see her blush and turn away from me. a smirk replaces my smile and I turn to glance down the table and see everyone at the table, I have to say I was shocked there were a good 50 people sitting at our table and there were a 4 or 5 other tables infront of the one we were sitting at.

I turned back to Tommy.

"Hey man why are there so many people here, I mean seriously is this a party that I just crashed or something."

"Nah your good this is everyone well close to everyone there are a couple others around and about but this is us, we're family." Tommy says to me smiling.

I smile awkwardly and turn towards the front again, I then notice no one has taken anything to eat there is piles upon piles of food from mostly meat beef, pork, lamb, there was also some that I couldn't identify for the life of me.

"How come no ones eating"

As soon as that's said a cacophony of sounds reach me and I see everyone all at once reaching for plates and bowls and knifes and forks. Tommy raises his eyebrow at me and then starts piling food on my plate as well as him.

"Eat" he orders me

"Aye aye captain" I say sarcastically, and start digging in.

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