Chapter Twenty Three

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Jess POV

Waking up with Mac was definitely a new experience one I would never get tired of. I can't wait until she change so I know she'll be mine completely.

Jess we've made our minds up please bring Mac into the meeting room

"Mac sweetheart" I say softly while gently shake her.

I hear her cutely mumble something,

I smile and shake her again a bit firmer, I see her rubbing her left eye with a fist, like a little kid it brings an amused smile to my face.

"Come on babe they've made a decision on what to do we need to go down and meet with them."

"I don't want to I already know their going to say no and I don't want to hear it." Mac says like a petulant child.

My smile deepens I can't help it it's so adorable.

I grab her hand and pull her off the bed with me.

"Come on" I say patiently.

She's still dressed from yesterday so I just pull her into the bathroom and wash her face and brush her teeth. I think lead her down into the meeting room.

I leave her in front like I did before and sat by my father.

My mom stands

"Mac we have thought about your predicament and we have a plan. We are unable to take your siblings in without changing them, we can't have humans living on pack lands. I'm sorry."


I stare down at my shoes, tears were gathering at the corner of my eyes, I was struggling to keep them back, I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it just kept getting bigger and I was struggling to breath. I knew I'd screwed it up yesterday me and my big mouth, why did I have to screw there one chance up. I didn't know what else to do.

I saw a small tear drop onto the floor in between my feet and it slashed I felt like I could hear it as well as see it fall in slow motion hitting the floor and then the outer edge of the tear rebound up off the floor and gently fall back into place I stared at the first tear amazed completely missing the rest that have now come pelting down my face.

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