Chapter Seventeen

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It's been weeks since I've seen Jess and can't think of nothing but how good she was to hold onto, and sleep next to her, how sweet she smelled and most importantly I could stop thinking about how soft her lips were and how right it felt to be kissed by her, and wishing I could kiss her.

I was a little scared that I might jump her the next time I saw her.

But god I missed her I was worried I mean she came here crying and devastated I wanted to make sure she was ok, and if not I wanted to fix it.

It's the weekend and I'm taking the twins to the park, I don't know what Meg or Jared was going but they were old enough to go there own way.

"Come on then munchkins lets go." I shout

The twins start screaming and run towards me. I pick them both up.

"Jared Meg I want both of you back by 10.00 ok no later."

I buckle the twins in and drive to the park.

Once there the twins go a little crazy and as much as I'd like to deny it so did I quite a bit actually, it was so fun running around with the twins being a kid again.

After playing around for what felt like hours I took them out for ice cream, which in hindsight is probably a bad idea but they gave my the puppy eyes, one I can say no to but two it's double the effect you cant help but say yes. It's impossible not to.

I went home the kids were a bit hyper, and lucky enough for Meg was in so I set them on her.

"Mac are you serious I'm not looking after them Mac, this is your problem."

I laughed and walked out of the room.

"Mac, Mac." I heard her shout

"If the twins want to stay and play with you it isn't my fault sorry sis."

They didn't come down until dinner was ready, after we settled in for a movie.

The door banged open.

"Hey sis, I was out with Logan and he invited us around tomorrow, can we go?"

"Oh I dunno Jared can you ask for his moms number so I can check it's ok."

" Ye course I'll do it now."

I go back to watching the movie, just catching the last scenes. I take the twins upstairs and get then settled into bed.

"Mac Logan text me back her and he gave me his house number I've just text it to ya."

" Ok thanks bud."

I checked my messages and see the text from Jared. I start ringing the number.


"Hello is Mrs Johnson there."

"Yes hold please."


"Hello Mrs Johnson it's Mac, you probably don't remember but me and my family came over a couple of week back you invited us to dinner."

"Yes sweetheart I remember how are you?"

" I'm ok thank you, I'm calling because Logan invited us to your house tomorrow and I didn't want to intrude or anything and I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you."

"Course sweetheart you don't have to ask your welcome any time ok."

"Thank you Mrs Johnson so ill will see you tomorrow have a good evening."

"You to sweetheart."

I put the phone down with a smile on my face quite pleased with myself and kind of excited as well, I mean come on I get to see Jess again.

"Jared I spoke to Logan's mom we going there tomorrow ok."

"Thanks sis."

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