Chapter Twenty One

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I heard Meg screaming my name I swung my head towards her and saw a look of absolute terror on her face, I looked back at Jared to see him struggling for breathe and dropped him.

I stepped closer to Meg and she was cautiously stepping backwards, like you would a wild animal that you didn't want it to pounce on you.

I stopped my advance and tilted my head, I was confused as to why she was scared of me.

"Meg I would never hurt you."

She still looked sceptical and her eyes shifted I followed her eyes and saw she was looking at Jared who was still gulping in air trying to inflate his lungs.

I glance back up to the house to see Jess and her mother and father standing on the steps leading towards their front door staring down at me. I then looked to each side of me and saw more and more people walking towards me blocking any route that I would go. I felt trapped and I didn't like it one bit, there was a part of me that seemed so foreign to me. I didn't no what it was but I had a feeling it was because of the bite. My hand reached up to the side of my neck and it seemed healed it just felt like a scar now.

My eyes were shifting to each new person that was moving towards me, so I did the only thing I could think of I ran, I ran as fast as I could towards the person responsible for this, I grabbed her around the waist and ran through the open door into the house. I closed the door behind us and slammed her back into the door.

"What did you do to me?"

She reached up to touch me but I grabbed her hand before she would touch me.

"Answer me." I roared

"I'm so sorry Mac I didn't mean for this to happen, at least not yet I wanted to get to know you first and for you to know me I just I lost control I'm so sorry." she sobbed.

It was breaking me heart hearing her sob and sound so broken but I couldn't give in I needed to know what the hell was happening to me.

"What's happening to me?"

"Your turning."

"Turning into a monster like you."

"We're not monsters Mac but you are turning into a werewolf like me and everyone else in the house and family. I lost control of my wolf and she marked you as mine."

"As yours?"

" Yes mine, my mate, my soul mate, my other half, mine."

I stood looking at her in disbelief then I heard the banging on the door bringing me back to the moment.

"What happened with Jared, I would never hurt him, I would never do something like that?"

"Your through the change your emotions will be off the charts, imagine a pregnant ladies mixed with the way a hurt and confused deadly animal would react."

"How long will I be like this?" I asked scared that I will seriously harm someone.

"Until the next full moon when you actually turn then you will gain better control of your emotions."

"Okay so when's that?"

"Three days, but there's something else that you need to know." she paused and took a deep breath.

"You may not survive the change, and if you do you will have to turn your siblings."

"What your fucking with me right your standing there saying you may not survive the near deadly transformation but don't worry if you survive you have to subject your younger brother and sister to it." I say in absolute disbelief.

"I'm so sorry but yes, when you turn..."

"If." I interrupted.

"Ok if you turn you will have to live here with the pack."

I looked at her like she has grown an extra head.

"There is no way I'm living her, and what will happen to Jared, Meg and the twins." I ask

"Your parents can look after them." she says sarcastically.

"Oh wow, wow why didn't I think of that ye that's a great idea, ill just wake them up from the dead why don't I. There's no way I'm living here with out them."

" Oh Mac I'm so sorry,"

"I don't want your pity or your condolences I just was a solution from you."

" Mac no one but pack can live here so for you brothers and sisters to live with us they have to be turned, but don't worry because if you survive the turn, then it's absolutely certain that they will as well." She says proud that she's came up with a solution.

"What if I die, then what happens to them," I ask.

She looks puzzled.

"I don't know, if you don't survive then it's doubtful that they will so..." she trails off.

I just stare at her waiting for her to continue.

"We've never had a situation like this before. I suppose a hearing could be set up to request them to know the truth and stay on pack lands as human, but you have to know that there has never been a human allowed to know about us, that isn't going to go through the change."

"Can a meeting be set up then I need this sorted before the full moon, I need to know they're going to be safe, whether that's here or somewhere else."

She nods and opens the door.

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