Chapter 1

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Hiii Guyzzz....This z one of the stories I wrote in the past....So thought of posting it here.....Do review and comment.... Do vote and tell me how z it?!...

A couple were fighting…
Man…I regret the day I married you…I wish could change this fact that we are married.
Women…”we are on the same page dear husband even I hate you.
Man…if not for arjun I would have divorced you long back but his tender age stopped me from doing so.”
Women..but I don’t want to stay with you now and arjun will stay with you after divorce… I can’t keep him.I have to marry harry as soon as possible. ”
Man…you are his have some responsibility towards him.I can’t keep him too becoz I want to marry navya and she has refused to keep him.
Woman…that I don’t know but I will not take him with me.
The seven year boy who was listening to their conversation was crying bitterly…aware of the fact that both his parents didn’t wanted him.this incident made a great effect on shaping his personality.
19 years later…
The seven year boy had grown up to be the Arjun Mehra who was rude,arrogant but however hard he tried he was not able to be the worst.he hated the two words most…love and commitment.he never believed in them.the only two people he cared for was his dm(dadi maa) and Sam,his best friend.His relationship with dm was different… She was his mom,dad and his grandmom too.his and Sam’s relationship was the purest.she was the only beautiful girl whom he could never sleep with.
Location: Mehra Mansion, Mumbai
Surrounded by the nature… Stood the Mehra Mansion both large and magnificent. It was no less than a palace.
A lady in her late 70s was playing sitar in her room..just than a man entered her room…without disturbing he just stood there.
After completing her song she glanced at him and gave a most welcoming smile.
She was arjun’s dm

Dm,”you could have made me aware of your presence aru.”
Arjun…I didn’t wanted to disturb you dm.”
Dm..aru why do you have to call me can call me daadi.
Arjun..nahh I love the name alot and plus it z so much fun to call you dm.”
Dm,”you won’t improve. ”
I came here to ask you about what are you wearing for evening’s party…you need to look the best.I have ordered designer sari…choose anyone of them.
Dm,”why do you spend your money on this old lady who has grey hair and wrinkles on her face.
Arjun took her hand in his and placed a sweet kiss on her knuckles…
Arjun,”you are still the most beautiful lady leaving on this earth and for me …my world revolves around you.”
Dm,”you don’t flatter me so much usually I m sure you want something. ”
Arjun…you know me so well actually there z a conference in goa which I have to attend… So I want your permission can I go…
Dm with a sad face took her hand from his grip
Dm,”why do you need my permission do what you want to do…you want to leave me alone then what can I say…you just say I am your world but I think it z not the truth.”
Arjun…you are such a melodramatic queen..I will be back in next week and don’t worry Sam will stay with you.she will take care of you.”
Dm…no no take Sam with you.what if you end up in a hotel room with a random girl then who will take care of your image.Sam can do it perfectly.
Arjun ..but what about dm?
Dm …don’t worry about me aru.I am attending a marriage function so I will be there for one day then I have to conduct a charity event and also I will visit I will be busy not alone.of course I will miss you but I will be occupied. ”
Arjun…what if all this events take a toll on your health?
Dm …I will be fine aru.

Arjun.. Promise me you will take care of your heath…take medicine on time and call me if you feel uneasy.”
Dm..sometimes you sound like my mother aru.”
He gave her a smile
Arjun…dm, you are most important person of my life.I can’t afford to lose you.”
She placed her hand on his cheek.
Dm…I don’t understand why do they call you rude and arrogant. ”
Arjun…I am bad but not for you and Sam.
Dm…you are good just don’t want to accept it.
Arjun…no dm.I am not a good person.
Dm…for me my aru z the best.I gave you permission but you can’t even fulfil my one wish of seeing my great grandson face before closing my eyes forever.
His smile vanished
Arjun…don’t say that dm.
Dm..kk I am sorry but plz think about marriage. Till when I will only listen my fellow friends complaining about their daughter-in-law even I should get right to complain
Arjun…so you want me to marry becoz you want to complain.on a serious note I don’t want to commit to anyone.
Her face lost its colour.
Arjun with a mischievous smile….if you want your great grandson then I can give you that without just point your finger towards a girl.I promise you your great grandson within on year.

DM…you are shameless.
Arjun…I know it
Dm..I pray to god that you get a girl who will wipe that bitter memories and make sweet ones for you to cherish whole life.I wish that girl will bring out the best in you.
Arjun…I will never get such a girl and the girl you are talking about does not exist one more thing I have only come across girls who were sl*t.Sam z a exception but I will never love her.
Dm…yaa I know it and maybe she z not right for you.
Arjun….no one can get a grip on the ‘Arjun Mehra…my relationship span z not more than a week and for me it z just a physical need.”
Dm….you will get a girl whom you will need emotionally. You will love her for her heart not for her body.
Arjun…this will never happen
Dm with a smile…it will one day.
Arjun…forget all ready for z a big day for me.this party has to be the talk of town afterall it z Arjun Mehra’s party. will be the best party ever…my aru never fails.
Arjun..not even in my dreams.
He left her room and dialled Sam’s no
Arjun…hey Sammy where are you?
Sammy….actually m just done with a meeting..will reach your house in one hour.
Sam…you asked her permission for the goa thing.
Arjun…yaa I did and she said yes but I didn’t wanted to leave her alone.”
Sam…alone means?we had decided I will stay with her till you come back.
Arjun..change in are coming with me Sam because she wants it.
Sam…yaa what if you end up marrying someone in drunken state then dm won’t be able to bear it.
Arjun…..Sam bye

Sam…hold on man.I was just joking. Plz don’t get me wrong.
Arjun..I know but you know how much I hate the word marriage. Don’t worry I am not angry just a bit irritated.
Sam…..why so but?
Arjun…becoz everyone z interested in getting me married but I don’t want a marriage. ”
Sam…don’t worry I will give you company..we will remain single whole our life.
Arjun…yaa thanks
Sam….anything for you handsome.let’s make a deal that we both will never marry.
Arjun…okk cool deal
Sam…I will see you in one hour
So guyzz Sam and arjun have made the deal but what will happen when arjun will have the intension to break the deal.let’s see how Sam will react to this.
So guyzz this z it hope you liked it.plz plz plz do comment nd your suggesti

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