Chapter 7

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Ignore my typo errors if you find them. But I edited with concentration. So do read and tell me what you think.

Arjun was already very disturbed about last night. He was not able to think anything else than Radhika. He had not slept whole night. This was the first time in his life that he had ignored Sam’s calls.

He came to the dining table and sat beside dm.

The old lady did not fail to notice her aru’s bruised and bleeding knuckles and poker face.

She scolded him,"aru why do you have to hurt yourself?are you not aware of the fact that your pain hurts me the most?now tell me why you did this?!"

He saw her worried face and replied," Dm,it z just a small wound. I can handle it. I have gone through much pain in life. This z nothing compared to that. You can say I have done pHd in pain. Don’t worry."

She gave him a deaf ear and took him to her room holding his hand. She walked to her wardrobe and removed first aid box from it.

Dm made him sit on the bed and sat beside him. She bandaged his hand.

Dm," If some wounds are not treated at right time then they don’t heal soon and hurt for life."

He could clearly understand the meaning of her words. He could make out what hints his grand mom was giving him.

Arjun with a pained tone replied," Some wounds are never meant to heal. Even if they do scars remain. They stay with a person till his death."

Dm," No Aru…it depends on us that we want to heal our wounds or no. We just have to find out the right medicine for them."

Arjun wanted to avoid this convo so he just said," You must be hungry. Some let’s go. I don’t want you to skip your breakfast."

He wrapped his hand around the old lady and guided her to the dinning table. Arjun made her sit and sat beside her.

He feed her the toast from his hands while she chew her food with a smile on her wrinkled face.

Dm," I will have it on my own. Now you eat even you are hungry."

Arjun," feed me by your hands. There z no great joy in this world for me than having food by your hand."

She lovingly feeded him the toast from his plate. She could sense that he was upset about something.

Dm,"what’s wrong aru?you look upset about something."

Arjun avoiding her gaze replied, "Nothing z wrong dm,it’s only work stress."

Dm," You think you can fool me. I know my aru very well. All these years you never took any stress for your work and suddenly you started hurting yourself for work. I don’t believe that. I was the first person who took you in my hands when you were born. I know you better than yourself. Now tell me what’s wrong?"

Listening to her words arjun got flashes of last night.

Arjun," It z nothing Dm. my stress z due to lack of sleep. Can I ask you a question, Dm?"

She caressed his hairs and replied," you can ask me anything, Aru"

Arjun in a hesitated voice," If someone’s opinion about us hurt alot then what does that mean?!"

Dm," It means that you love that person and care about what they think about you. they have a special place in heart. But why are you asking me all this?"

Arjun was tongue tied now. He had no answer to her question now. He was speechless.

To cover up he just replied,"Actually one of my friends had asked me this."

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