Chapter 2

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Arjun party has just started… all were waiting for his arrival…yes he liked to keep people waiting… Sam was welcoming all the guest…all were asking only and only about arjun…afterall he was the most eligible bachelor in town…girls were crazy after him but he being arjun never glanced at anyone.after a long wait…he entered with dm by his side…
He signaled someone to give him a mike.
He started,”hey guyzzz…thank you so much for being here and making this evening more memorable…..beautiful girls and wonderful boys sorry for the wait…but I had a meeting. Now I want to thank two most important ladies of my life…my dm and sam for being with me in my each joy and sorrow.Sammy thanx for arranging this beautiful… What would I have done without you?you rocked it like everytime darling…So you wonderful people enjoy the party becoz …..
‘Arjun Mehra’ gives only one in a year and only I can break my record of grand parties…Now I want to request this beautiful lady beside me(his dm) for a dance…I request you people to join us too.

Dm while dancing with arjun….”why are you late aru?it z your party and why did you lie about the meeting?
Arjun…dm,you know me,don’t you?I love keeping people waiting for boost my confidence on myself.
Dm…confidence or arrogance?
Arjun….I love when they only talk about the ‘Arjun Mehra’ and dm you should be happy about this.
Dm…I am happy for your success,aru.but I don’t like your arrogance. I know you have gone through alot in a very tender age which has made you what you are today but trust god I know he has a better plan for you.
Arjun…dm I don’t believe in that god which you worshipped whole your life…tell me one good thing he has done to me?
Dm…he made you have everything at your feet today.
Arjun…what I am today that z only becoz of me.
Dm…no aru..nothing can happen without god’s will understand my words someday.
Arjun….dm,my life proceeds only according to my will and the god you are talking about z only a ‘pathar kii murat’.there z no god.In my world…I am the god here.
Dm..I bet you will pray to him one day and I will wait for that day to come.
Arjun…not even in worst dreams.
She gave him a smile and excused herself.
He took a good look around..thinking who z the most beautiful girl…when his eyes caught one dressed in red one piece…his thoughts turned wild glancing at her as if wondering how many days he will enjoy her.he walked towards her and asked her for a dance which she agreed without a second thought.
Arjun…so beautiful, what z your name?
Girl…tanu,I never knew m so beautiful to catch the ‘Arjun Mehra’s attention.
Arjun…yes you have grabbed my attention so your place or mine?

Here Sam was gazing towards them until she was interrupted my dm…
Dm…you don’t get jealous seeing him with any girl and you claim to love him.
Sam…dm,yes I love him but I have learned from life that if you love someone you should set them free and reason I am not jealous z that wherever he goes…he will come back to me next day.I know he has no heart to love anyone so I have him for whole my life.
Dm placed her hand on her cheek and replied… You are wrong,sam…he has a heart but surrounded by many walls…I wish you had the ability to break them but you don’t have it, will come to know the day he will not come back to you the next day.
Sam…I don’t believe it…there z no girl who can replace Sam in arjun’s life…I am his best friend and he will never give my place to anyone.
Dm…you are right but one day a girl will acquire a place greater than you in his heart.
Sam…I will wait for that day to come but I know it won’t come….you should rest now…come I will take you to your room…arjun won’t come back till morning…
She guided the old lady to her room and went back to the party….
Her friend Sasha…tapped her shoulder and asked”so you are planning to marry arjun..someday Sammy.
Sam… yaar we are best friends and I will never let my feelings to come between my and his friendship… my and his bond z different.. We will always stay together and we don’t need a marriage to seal our relationship… I consider myself lucky that arjun z my best friend.. I don’t expect anything else.
Sasha…you are so different Sammy..every girl present in his party wants to marry him but you have not even thought about that.
Sam..that z the difference between me and other girls…he can sleep with anyone but he can only be himself with me…he only shares his feelings with me..he can talk endlessly only with me…no one can replace me in his life…you will never understand our bond…
Sasha…I just hope that things your are talking remain the same forever…
Sam…they will…

At the end of the grand party…Sam escorted everyone and Arjun left with tanu to spend his night with her….
So guyzzz finally your wait z over….
Somewhere in rishikesh…. a girl in her early 20s was sleeping in her room no wait she was dreaming…. her expressions were displaying the fear on her face….just then she got up with jerk and shrieked Randhirrrrrr
She was sweating profusely… Fear and guilt both were visible on her face…
Hearing her scream a lady in her late 40s came running to her room and sat beside her…carresing her face and calming her…
She asked…radhika you again saw that dream?yes guyzzz she z our beloved radhika…
Radhika hiding her face in that woman’s lap replied… This will never leave me,maa…I will never lead a normal life…two years have passed but still I only dream about that terrible thing which changed our lives….I destroyed everything only I am responsible for what happened that day…
The woman tried to reason with her…no radhika…you are not responsible for anything.. what happened that day was destiny…no one has the power to change it….two years have passed but you have stopped your life…till when will carry the burden of this guilt….you should move on.
Radhika.. I can’t maa..I can never forget what happened that day.
The women made her lie down and covered her with blanket… but little did she know that since two year…she had never slept peacefully..
So guyzz this z it….I know you people are curious to know radhika’s past….u will come to know later for now I can tell you that..she blames herself for something terrible… We can’t imagine the extent of guilt she has in her heart..

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