Chapter 11

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So guyzzz this z the chapter 11.hope you liked it…..plz do vote and comment and give me your reviews.

Mystery man was gazing outside the window of his master bedroom
He had closed his eyes but the so called heartless person had tears rolling down his cheeks

Suddenly he whispered,"Sona why you left me?!"


A boy was running ahead of a girl and the girl was literally dragging her feet. She was dead tired.

She screamed,"Neil bhai please wait naa."

She had all her attention on her brother whose image was disappearing as he went far away. She knew how to bring her brother back.

All of sudden she collapsed on the floor. Her brother glanced at her but froze to see her lying unconscious on the green twigs. he ran to her as fast as his legs could take him.

He reached the spot and quickly placed her head on his lap and caressing her hair he pleaded,"Sona I am sorry please open your eyes. you know you are not just my sister. you are my baby. I love you the most in this world. If you want beat me, scold me, punish me in your own desired way but please wake up."

He brought her close to his heart,"Sona please open your eyes baccha."

She opened her eyes and burst into laughter catching her tummy,"bhai anyone can fool you easily?!"

Neil scolded in a annoyed tone,"How many times I have to tell you that I hate such jokes. sona when I saw you like this I thought for that moment my whole world stopped. sona you are not just my sister. You are my heartbeat. my breath. my everything. Stop playing such nasty pranks on me. Dare you do it again."

He got up but she clutched his fist and pulled him down. She held her ears and innocently whispered,"Sorry bhai. I won’t do it again promise But bhai z it true that you can do anything for my happiness?!

Neil looked straight in her eyes,"I can give up my life for you. I can kill anyone who will becomes the reason of your tears. I mean it baby. I will destroy everything which comes in the way of your happiness."

She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his chest,"I am sorry for hurting you bhai."

He kept patting her head,"It t z OK my doll. now come let’s go."

She made a puppy face,"my legs are hurting bhai."

He lifted her effortlessly like she weighted nothing. Clutching her protectively in his arms, he walked towards the majestic house ahead.

Neil,"sona day by day you are becoming naughty. You don’t fail to take advantage of my undying love and affection for you baby."

Sona….I can do this only with you because I know I m your world and you never refuse me for anything. I m afraid what if I ask something which you won’t be able to give me."

Neil,"This will never happen. I can bring the skies down for your happiness."

Sona,"love you bhai."

Neil,"love you to the eternity, my doll."


Neil had opened his eyes. His face indicating dried tears. Eyes filled with pain and anguish.

He spit venom,"Arjun today only because of you. I lost my sister, my family, my everything which I loved more than my life. You will pay for your sins. I will make sure you will regret living this life. you will beg for death but I won’t let you die. I will give you a worst life where you will pray for death every moment."

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