Chapter 12

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Dm walked in the police station with Radhika behind her.

She glared at the officer in charge when he greeted her.

Dm,"how dare you arrest arjun?I think you don’t want to live for some more days. Do you know with whom you have messed up?!"

Office,"We are doing are duty. All the evidence are against him. we had to arrest him."

Dm,"Do hell with your evidences and with you. you don’t know till what extent amrit mehra can go to save her grandson. Now let me give you the most important evidence of this case. Radhika Mishra the girl who z the eye evidence of this whole incident."

She turned to radhika,"Tell him what you told me."

Radhika confessed,"Sir arjun sir saved me when Sujoy was trying to molest me."

Officer,"But this does not change the fact that he thrashed sujoy to death."

Dm controlled her anger after hearing him and spoke in calm yet confident voice,"I know my Arjun. he can never think about killing anyone. now let’s settle this matter. tell me how much money you will take to close this matter here itself."

Scratching his mustache he replied," It z a murder case not some robbery to settle with money."

She took her seat and calmly murmured,"Officer do you have a family?!"

Fear coursed through him,"What my family has to do with this case?!"

Old women tucked her grey strands behind her ear and said crudely,"You answer my question."

Officer,"Yes I do have a family."
She played with her diamond studded wrist watch sliding it up and down on her hand and whispered staring deep into his eyes with a dominating fortitude, " Think about it if my arjun gets punished for something which he has not done then will I ever let you live in peace. I will make your life hell. Your family will have to bear many things because of your own stupidity. I don’t need to remind you what I did two years back in that girl’s suicide case. that time the officer in charge was adamant in getting arjun punished. you know what I did with him?!"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and timidly asked,"what you did?!"

She looked straight in his eyes and answered,"He never saw the sun again. Now you decide that you want to live or die. Believe me I will save my arjun anyhow but if you go against us without any second thought I can frame you in some corruption case. you know the laws better than me,don’t you? I can destroy anyone who tries to hurt my Arjun. If you give him a slight pain. I will burn your world. it even includes your family. think about them and accept my offer."

He sat on his chair gazing at her. his eyes showing that he was dead scared of the lioness sitting in front of him. he took a deep breath and replied,"I will release him and I promise I am closing the case. You complete the formalities and he will be free after that."

She gave him a winning smirk,"Good choice. What about the evidence you were talking about?!"

He answered hurriedly,"I will destroy them. you don’t worry."

She got up and gave him a bashful smile. you know I like people who are smart enough to think about their own good otherwise you can’t even imagine what I do with people in my bad books. My lawyer will complete the formalities."

Radhika who was staring at the old lady without blinking her eyelids was dumbstruck. This old lady was the real shield of Arjun Mehra which was hard to break. It was nearly impossible to hurt arjun with amrit around him.

Radhika POV,"Neil was right. This Amrit mehra z more dangerous than Arjun himself. I thought she will be some weak fragile old women who madly loved her grandson but she z a shrewd game player. Our tables have turned on us. If we want to hurt arjun then amrit should be removed from this game as soon as possible otherwise all our efforts will be a total waste. Now history won’t repeat itself. This time you can’t save Arjun, Mrs amrit mehra. He will pay for his sins. Even you won’t be able to save him. You sinners destroyed many lives but now we will show you people how it feels when you see your person dying in front of your own eyes. first I thought arjun z innocent but after seeing your blind affection for him my all doubts are clear."

Her stream of thoughts were broken when someone tapped her shoulder. it was none other than Arjun.

Arjun,"I am so happy to see you here Radhika. you are my good luck charm."

Radhika POV,"I am your destruction, Mr Arjun Mehra."

Radhika,"I just came to talk in your favour. your dm saved you." She completed her sentence in her mind,"But from now even your dm won’t be able to save you."

He glanced at the old lady and gave her a hug. She pecked his forehead. For a moment I thought my whole world stopped after seeing that handcuffs in your hands.

He kept his index finger on her lip," knew you would save me. I had full confidence on you."

Dm,"It z high time you stop getting involved in this cases. Your Short tempered nature z your real enemy. Try to control your anger. You know what happened two years back."

Arjun,"I will take care from next time. let’s go now."

He turned to Radhika,"I will drop you home."

She nodded and gave him a smile.
He wrapped his hand around the old lady and guided her outside the police station.

Radhika followed them. As they reached out Dm asked arjun to drop Radhika in his car while she will go in her own car.

Arjun,"Are you sure you want to go alone?!"

Dm,"You should not be asking this question after what I did today. I am strong to fight any problems that cast their dark shadows in your life. Don’t worry you drop Radhika home but return home soon. You have not eaten anything since morning. I will feed you with my own hands today. You have turned weak in just one day."

He caressed her cheek,"I am so lucky to have you. I never got my parents love but you have loved me more than my own mother. Till I have you nothing can go wrong in my life."

Radhika who was patiently listening their conversation had clutched her fist tight digging her long nails in it. She was burning like hell. Her POV,"You are right arjun till you have your dm we can’t hurt you but what if she does not exist to save you."

Next Morning…..
Radhika entered birdsong clutching some files tightly but for her badluck she dashed with someone. It was none other than Sam.

Sam fumed,"I think god gave you this eyes only to eye rich men and trap them in spell of your beauty. I don’t know why arjun can’t see that you are just after his money But you can’t fool me by your this tricks. I know what you are. The day I find proofs against you Radhika Mishra I will make sure arjun throws you out of the office and most importantly his life."

She left leaving Radhika scared of her firm statements.

Radhika POV,"This Sam z also a obstacle but you don’t know sam what I can do to you. Before you throw me out I will throw you out from Arjun’s life not because I love him but because I want to destroy him which you won’t let me do till you are here. Even you are responsible for Sona’s death. Her soul will get peace only when all the people behind her death will receive their punishment."

she wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks and held her head high in prideful determination.

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