Chapter 9

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So here is the next chapter of this story. Do read and tell me your reviews. Do vote and comment.

Arjun whispered in a pained voice,"Sam my life without you by my side is so incomplete. if not for you then I would have turned into a heartless monster after that suicide attempt of that girl. I love you as a friend, Sammy but Radhika is the love of
my life. If no one can replace you similarly no other girl can be Radhika for me. How I wish I could tell her my feelings."

He was lost in his thoughts just then Dm tapped his shoulder. He turned towards her.

Dm,"Aru what’s the matter?"

Arjun darted his gaze away from her and replied," Nothing."

Dm,"Why do you even try to hide when you know I can read your eyes."

Arjun,"I want to keep you away from any kind of stress."

Dm," You think I will be happy if you lose your smile. Aru my health and happiness depends upon you."

Arjun,"Dm,I am thinking about Sam. I always knew that she loved me but I never reciprocated her feelings
don’t want her to turn in a monster like me."

Dm,"Who said you are a monster?! Aru, no one can love a monster but Sam and I do love you a lot. "

Arjun,"I am a monster who has hurt the girl who z ready to die and kill for me."

The old lady took his hand and rubbed it to give him assurance.

Dm," Aru, Sam has always loved you but you don’t have feelings for her
if you told her this clearly then I don’t think you have done anything wrong. Sometimes truth is bitter but if not confessed at right time then it makes a relationship bitter forever. Sam needs to accept the reality that you have a heart which beats for someone else."

Arjun was dumbstruck after hearing her last sentence.

Dm," I told you. I can read your eyes and thoughts both. So don’t try to fool me."

Arjun gave her a hug taking care that he didn't crushed her.

Arjun," You know, you are the best person of my life."

Dm,"Don’t flatter me now. So what z her name?"

Unknowingly his lips curved into a smile as he thought about Radhika.

Dm,"Did you confessed your feelings?"

Arjun,"We are not even friends but I will confess one day but I know she z mine. I will never let her go away from me."

Dm,"when are you planning to bring her here?! I wish to see her."

Arjun,"Very soon. The day I marry her she will always be around you."

Dm," So Aru tell me something about Radhika."

Arjun," I don’t have words to describe her. I have never seen any girl more beautiful than her. She is breathtaking and any straight man can lose his sanity in her very first sight. She has the most beautiful pair of eyes in this world. Her eyes speak a lot about her which she never would wish to disclose. If she z around I don’t know what happens to me but I always want to keep staring at her. She z like some heavenly nymph. I feel she lost her way on the earth. She has some divine aura which has made me crazy for her. Those beautiful eyes have some mystery which I want to know. she z delicate just like a flower that if even catch her tightly, I might bruise her body. I felt a strong desire to protect her from the world in the very first sight of hers. She is just beyond words."

Dm,"This z the first time you are talking so much about any girl."

Arjun," Dm, she z not some any other girl. She z priceless and her beauty z something I can’t describe or maybe I m incapable in doing so."

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