Chapter 3

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Next morning…….
Sam had called arjun many times but he was not up still……and they had to catch goa’s flight in one hour……she was sure that he had done no packing all thanks to his dependence on her…….
She rushed to tanu’s house and was ringing the bell without taking any pause even for a second…..
One of the servants opened the door……..
Sam asked in husky voice……where z arjun?
She pointed towards the room upstairs…….
She hurriedly walked towards the room
She was about to knock but a slight force opened the door with a cracking sound……
The sight inside made her giggle but she controlled her laughter……..
What she saw was that…..tanu was trying to cover herself with the bed sheet and arjun was shirtless still asleep….
She hurriedly walked towards them and took the glass of water laying beside the bed and splash………all water was on arjun’s face…….he got up with a jerk to see who had the courage to disturb the ‘Arjun Mehra’s sleep………
All he saw was Sam laughing loudly holding tummy…….
He was about to get up when she reminded him that he was not wearing anything inside and the bedsheet was his only cover……….
Arjun……Sammy no one in my life has ever awaken me up like this……you little creature I will see you later…….
Sam….you warn me later first wear your clothes….. We have a flight to catch in just 45 minutes….. Hurry up don’t glare at me…
Arjun……oh shit I totally forgot about it…..what about my clothes what will I wear there?ohh god I have not done my packing…..
Sam….rest your mind…I have packed your bag now will you please hurry up?..I am waiting outside….
He got up covering himself with the bedsheet….he collected his boxers and his last night’s party wear and rushed to the washroom…
Exactly after 5 minutes he came back…..he greeted tanu goodbye not before promising her one more night once he z back in Mumbai……
He rushed to Sam who was waiting for him……
Arjun…come Sammy let’s go…
They rushed to the airport in nick of time….thankful that they did not miss their flight…….
Once inside the flight he relaxed himself calming down the burning nerves………
Turning his head towards Sam who was sitting beside him busy in reading a magazine…….
He spoke…..thanks Sam,what would I have done without you?
Without looking at his face she answered….. Are you planning to give me a thank you speech?I know you since last 15 years so I am used to this….not a big deal for me…
Arjun…do you feel that I depend on you too much?
Sam…yes you do but I love this fact about us.
Arjun….you feel I take you for granted that z becoz I trust you the most in this world…Sammy I don’t have a heart but I have good brains which only you have the power to rule…..
Sam…I know it handsome and this power I will never share with anyone in this world… don’t have a heart to be occupied by someone’s thoughts and your brains….I have occupied them forever…
Resting her head on his shoulder… she dozed off…….
Radhika was packing her bag just when her mom entered the room……..
Mom…..where are you going?
Radhika…. Not only i…we are going from here…we are leaving rishikesh forever….
Mom…you think changing the place will help you forget everything….
Radhika….. I don’t want to forget it maa….I know everyday I have to die in this pain….everyday ask one thing from god and that death….which will free me from all this …….
The woman was not able to believe what she had just heard….she turned radhika towards her to look straight in her eyes….
Mom…..don’t even utter such word…what will I do without you?I know why you are doing this… you really think running from all this will really help?
Radhika….. I know it won’t but I am doing this to escape… know we need financial support and after that terrible thing no one will give me a job here….everyone thinks I am a bad omen….so we are going to Mumbai……I want to get lost in the crowd there plz understand…
Mom……I do understand….I can do anything for you……don’t worry I will not ask you any questions now….I will pack my bags…
Radhika.. Thanks
Mom….when are we leaving then?
So guyzz destiny was bringing radhika closer to arjun but will radhika’s past ever let them unite..
Let’s see
After the conference meeting…..Sam was waiting for arjun in cafeteria…..
Suddenly someone covered her eyes by hands.
Touching the palms which were still covering half of her face…..feeling his touch she replied…. I know it z you arjun….how many times will you use this same trick to surprise me…
Yes indeed it was arjun…
Arjun….what yaar Sammy atleast you can act that you are surprised…. How do you guess it everytime?
Sam….do you think I need this eyes to see you?I can see you even with closed eyes and one thing you have been using same trick so it z quiet obvious… Better luck next time..
Arjun …….you know me better than myself…
Sam….yes I do..
Their conversation was interrupted by arjun’s phone buzzing…. It was Nancy calling…she was dm’s caretaker…..
Arjun…hello Nancy
Nancy……sir dm fainted….she z fine now but she was asking about you…..
This one sentence had shaken arjun inside…
Arjun…..Nancy take care of her…I will be catching the first flight to Mumbai…till then her that her aru z coming….
He disconnected the call
Sam….what happened arjun?you look tense
Arjun with a pained expression…… I should have not left her alone….listen Sammy arrange the tickets as early as possible….. we are going back……
Sam….I will do it you don’t worry……
So guyzz this z it….I hope you liked it….I won’t be able to update before Thursday most probably but I will try my best to do so…
Plz plz plz do comment….I want to know your revie

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