Chapter 13

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Radhika walked in Neil’s house calling his name out continuously…. But the sight shocked her to the core…..whole house was ransacked…. Furniture was all broken…. Curtains on the windows were on the verge of falling down to the ground….flood of papers on ground…. She hurriedly took long strides to his room…..the atmosphere there was no less than that of a volcano….walls had pictures of arjun…dm and Sam marked with a cross by a red marker….all his hardwork showcased in his plans which were put on that walls…..all the news paper cuttings of sona’s suicide case which rubbed pepper on his wounds were scattered on the floor…..her eyes were desperately searching her best friend who had lost himself in this deep tunnel of revenge….there he was sipping liquor and hurting himself with a blade….his wrist was bleeding profusely…. she hurriedly walked to him and snatched the blade from him,"Neil are you mad?! what were you trying to do?!will Sona be happy after seeing you like these?!"

He turned his face towards her…..reddened eyes ….dried tears on his cheeks…. foul smell of alcohol from his breath displayed how much pain he went through after hearing about arjun’s bail.

He spoke in a pained tone,"Radhika just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you. Just go away."

She cupped his face and wiped his tears moving her soft fingers all over his face,"You know I can never leave you alone,Neil. you are my best friend. I can’t see you like this. Look what you have done to yourself. please Neil stop hurting yourself. Arjun got bail but still we have so many cards against him. you don’t worry, we will execute your plan B."

He jerked her hand,"You are saying this even after talking in his favour. I never expected this from you."

Radhika,"Neil I had to do it. I was helpless please don’t get me wrong. If would have spoken against him then it was harmful for our revenge plan. Sona was not just your sister even I treated her as my sister. you know it,don’t you?."

He took her hand in his and squeezed her palm lightly,"I am sorry radhika. I shouldn’t have doubted you. I was not able to control myself when I heard about his bail. you know how hard I have worked for this since last two years and now at the last minute amrit saved him. She z responsible for all his deeds. she z the worst guardian ever seen. She never corrected him as a result he turned into a monster. Radhika we have to get rid of her as soon as possible. You know what you have to do."

She pulled her hand out of his grip and avoiding his gaze she replied,"Neil it z risky. I think this z too much for a old woman. Can’t you think about something less painful. I know she deserves it after what she did with sona two years back but..."

Before she could complete he angrily retorted,"Why do I feel you have started sympathizing with them?! Get one thing clear they do not deserve any mercy. Stop being their lawyer in front of me if you don’t want to do this tell me this clearly."

She tried to explain him,"No Neil I don’t feel anything for them except one emotion and that z hatred. I will do as you say. You take rest please get yourself some sleep. How are you going to defeat a enemy like amrit mehra after depriving yourself from sleep?!

He answered in a low voice,"Sleep this word I forgot in last two years after my sona left me."

She gave him a hug and kept rubbing his back trying her best to comfort him,"Neil everything will be fine after we are done with our revenge."

He pulled back and looked straight in her eyes and whispered,"my sona won’t come back even after we are done with all this. It kills me every second Radhika."

She had tears in her eyes after seeing his pain which will never end which will stay till his last breath.

Radhika,"Neil please I can’t see you like this."

He hugged her,"Never leave me radhika… I will die if you leave me. After losing Sona I don’t have the guts to lose you."

She pulled away and touched her forehead to his,"I will never leave you."

Friends are like leaves-ordinary and found everywhere but bestfriends are like flowers are rare…they not only comfort you when you are broken but they also cry along with you….if they can’t make you stand when you are fallen they will lie down beside you…rich are people who have such friends…. Value them they are more precious than diamond itself…

Radhika walked in the cafe….she had promised arjun of a coffee date….she was least interested in coming but it was necessary for Neil’s plan….there he was waiting for her…..he had booked the whole cafe for them… He wanted to be alone with her....his face flashed a wide smile after his eyes captured her sight…. He pulled the chair for her and sat opposite to her after making her comfortable.

Arjun,"Thanks for coming radhika… I thought you won’t prefer talking to me after my name got spoiled my media…all the events of last few days are still haunting me."

Radhika POV," I had to come because this meeting z a very important part of Neil’s plan."

Radhika,"Of course sir you protected my dignity that day….I don’t judge people so soon."

Her POV,"But I know your reality, Mr arjun mehra I know what you did two years back."

Arjun,"Radhika from today just Arjun."

Radhika,"No sir z better."

Her POV,"The more I tempt you, the more mistakes you will make running behind me which z beneficial for my plan. My beauty is a curse for me but it won't fail to work on any man."

She spoke again,"sir I am your employee so we should maintain that relation only. nothing can ever happen between us."

Her POV,"I only hate you Arjun."

Arjun was pained after hearing that she only saw him as her boss and nothing more.

His POV," You are mine, Radhika. you like it or not you have to marry me soon. I will make you fall for me."

Arjun,"Ok call me arjun when you are comfortable….will you come with me somewhere?!"

His POV,"Soon I will have you with me 24/7."

She tucked her hairs behind and answered,"Sir I need to leave before 5:30."

Arjun in a assuring voice,"I will drop you before 5. Is that fine with you now?!"

His POV,"Please say yes. you don’t know how much I am desperate to spend time with you."

She whispered,"Ok sir….I will come with you."

Her POV,"I need to inform Neil about this….we can’t postpone our plan."

They walked out of the cafe together, him behind her watching her every step. He unlocked his car and opened the door for her to take the passenger seat.

Once inside the car he glanced at Radhika who was peeping outside the window and smiling. If only he could read her thoughts were all about showing his Dm what real hell is, He would have throttled her to death or maybe no.

After driving for sometime he stopped the car which left her surprised.

Radhika,"Sir why you stopped the car here?!"

He whispered,"Radhika you wait don’t get down. I will just come."

She nodded. Her POV,"what he z up to?!"

He got down and walked on the street without caring about the creepy stares he got…. He stopped infront of a blind woman who was trying to cross the road with great difficulty….he wrapped his hand around the woman and helped her to cross the road and dropped her on the opposite side of the road where she wanted to reach.

She kept her hand on his head and spoke in a gratitude filled tone, "God bless you son."

Radhika had followed him and was surprised to see this side of arjun but her belief on Neil was so strong that it was very difficult to challenge.

Her POV,"Radhika concentrate on plan. Arjun z putting on a show to impress you. don’t fall into his trap remember what he did to sona whom you loved like your own sister."

Precap….aradhika sweet moments….. Neil confronts radhika for spending time with arjun…..radhika executes her plan against dm….

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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