Chapter 8

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So this is the next chapter of this story. Do read and tell me your reviews. Do vote and comment. Ignore the loopholes if you find any.

Arjun was venting all his frustration on his punching bag. The bandage on his hand was unwrapped and his knuckles were bleeding profusely. All the flashes of morning were haunting him.

Sam entered his room and nearly banged to open the door. He shifted his gaze towards the door to see who
it z.

Sam walked towards him and slapped him tight. He held his cheek and eyed her with a furious penetrating gaze.

Sam," This z enough Arjun. What you think hurting yourself will solve our problems. Have you ever thought about Dm?! How she will bear all
these?! How will I cope up with all this? You are destroying everything behind that girl but I won't let you ruin your career. I will make Radhika resign from the job. I will not let you hurt Dm or yourself. I don't understand what kind of spell she has cast on you. In just two days you have changed into someone I don't know. All this z because of that Radhika."

Arjun fumed,"Enough Sam. You want to insult me. Go ahead. I won't utter a word in my defence but don't even dare to say anything against Radhika.  If you make her resign then I will break all ties with you. Do you understand that?! You better understand."

Sam had tears in her eyes," Why do you care for her so much?! In just two days what kind of spell she had done on you. I thought our friendship will last forever but in just two days that bitch ruined it. I hate her. She will pay for taking you far from me."

Arjun held her arms tightly and murderously glared at her and spoke gritting his teeth," Don't ever call her by that name. Sam you are my best friend and I won't hurt you. But hear me out very clearly. I can kill for Radhika. She means the world to me now. And if anyone hurts her that person has to pay with his life. Am I clear?!"

Sam growled," She z a bitch who cast a spell on you. You are not in your right frame of mind. You are not my Arjun. You are someone different. She transformed you in this person I just don't know. I bet she is just behind your money, name and fame. She is not what she looks like. That innocent pretty face is just a mask. She is a vamp."

This was enough to drive Arjun to the edge. He couldn't hear a word against Radhika. If it had been someone else, Arjun would have skinned the person alive But it was Sam. The girl who he cared for deeply and who had always been special to him for years together. Can he ever hurt her?! No he just can't. No matter what she said about Radhika but it didn't changed the fact that he could never think of hurting Sam. Good old days of their friendship and companionship flashed in his memories as he saw her tears filled eyes.

He pushed Sam away from him. She tried reaching him again but he lifted his hand stopping her from taking a step towards him.

Arjun," She has not cast a spell on me I bloody love her. I fucking love her so much that it hurts. did you hear me?!"

Sam was hell shocked. She felt as if the ground beneath her feet slipped off.

Sam," This can't be true. You can't love anyone. Say this z lie. You are joking r8?!"

Arjun looked straight into her eyes,"I  am not joking. I madly love her. I know I did not believe in love but after meeting her I fell for her in the very first sight of her. She is more beautiful than the word itself. I haven't seen anyone like her and she just pulls the strings of my heart with those baby brown eyes she has. I want her all for myself and I will have her soon. She'll be mine. Only mine. She'll be Radhika Arjun Mehra."

Sam clutching his collar tightly," What about us then?! I never expected you to love me back but you can't love anyone else. I am your best friend. How can you do this to me, Arjun?!"

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