Chapter 5

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Mehra mansion…..

Arjun was having his breakfast with dm sitting beside him….
Dm…..aru today after so many days you are having breakfast with me…what else this old lady could wish for the day..
He gave her a smile and placed his hand on hers….
Arjun…from today you will have me everyday…
Dm…..what else I can ask from you….time z the greatest gift you can give to anyone…..I wonder why do you call yourself bad…..aru you have few negatives which everyone has but you are not a bad person….plz don’t hide your good heart from people….I hate it when they talk bad about you…..

Arjun….dm, people talk what z true and I don’t care about what opinions they make about me….

Dm… day such a person will come from whose mouth you won’t be able to bear a word against you….you will always try to gain that person’s trust…..

Arjun…,I am the Arjun Mehra….I don’t care about what people think for me and you please stop thinking this useless things….

Dm….you know today I was seeing your horoscope… are going to meet someone special today…..

Arjun….I don’t believe in this things….
Dm POV…..I wish that someone special z a girl….it z high time you get married…. I wish you meet a real girl today who will change you….I have less time….before I breath my last I want to give you in safe hands…..I wish that girl brings out the best you…I wish you love her more than yourself……god if I have ever done anything good in my life please bring that girl in my aru’s life….

Arjun…..what are you thinking dm?
Dm…..I was thinking about you….
Arjun…..what about me?
Dm…..will tell you someother time…….
Arjun….OK but it makes me happy that you think about me…..
Dm…..I think about you whole day….
Arjun….but now you should think about your health……
Sam entered the house and greeted both of them morning…
Sam…he z right,you should only think about your health now….
Dm….OK I promise I will take care…
She left the two alone on the dinning table….
Sam…handsome yesterday after many days you spend your night at your house….sometimes you do surprise me….
Arjun…I am glad you are surprised…. about yesterday I was really tensed to leave her alone even for a second….
Sam….sometimes you don’t behave as a heartless person….I fear you have a heart….can I ask you something?
Arjun….as if I say no then you will not ask….
Sam…not at all I will ask even if you say no…..why you gave that important deal to mittals….I mean they are in loss so how you can trust them……
Arjun…Sammy they have the potential and if I talk about loss then it started when the ceo suffered from the accident six months back…so I wanted to give them a chance….
Sam POV… say that you don’t have a heart than why don’t you behave like a heartless person every time…..I fear that maybe what dm said z true that maybe you have a heart surrounded by many walls….arjun I don’t care how many girls you sleep with but I do care if you don’t return to me the next day….I fear if some girl acquires a place greater than me….why do I have to get this glimpses of you having a heart…..I don’t want you to go away from me…..
Arjun interrupted her thoughts by stuffing her mouth with toast….
Sam…what z this?I can eat on my own…
Arjun… it from my hands then… are lucky that the Arjun Mehra z feeding you…
She pinced him and replied…. Oh really?
He left out a painful grasp from his mouth and stared at her angrily….
After a matter of seconds they both burst out laughing…
Arjun….you know this z what I like about you…..your fiery attitude….this z what differentiate you from other girls…..
Sam…..yaa they can keep you in bed for a night but they can’t keep you for the whole day….which only I can do…..I am happy that I am the only girl who can make you talk endlessly whole day…..
Arjun…..yaa that’s true Sam…
Sam……I hope you remember that yesterday I told you about new entrants… many are girls in them….

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