Chapter 6

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Next morning

Sam was unhappy that Arjun gave job to Radhika in morning shift because she had to make arrangements as there was no vacancy in morning shift.

She felt that Radhika was not deserving enough and Arjun had just given her job because she was very beautiful. She had ignored him since yesterday to make him realize his mistake.

Sam POV,"I don’t like this Arjun. You just gave her job because she z beautiful. Why do you have to mix your professional and personal life?! I have never stopped you from flirting with any girl but why you have to make our business suffer in this."

Standing by the pool side and gazing towards the water she was lost in her thoughts when someone swept off her feet. She was scared but then she realize that it was non other than Arjun…he had lifted her in his arms but she was struggling to free herself.

Sam,"Arjun put me down. I said put down."

He gave her a deaf ear and replied,"Sammy not till you forgive me."

Sam,"why do you need my forgiveness?you always do what you want to do then why do you need me to forgive you?"

Arjun,"Sammy I will drop you in this pool if you don’t forgive me."

Sam," will not forgive you at any cost."

Arjun,"OK then bear the consequences now."
He was about to drop her in pool when she shrieked;' forgive you now please put me down'
He did exactly what she wanted him to do.

Arjun wrapped his hand on her shoulder and said,"Sammy I didn’t gave her job because she z beautiful…She z also talented and I felt she z deserving..I know girls are my weak point but I don’t consider anything when it comes to my work,even you know it."

Sam,"why don’t you change your profession?"


Sam,"become a lawyer instead."

Arjun," should think about it because I don’t think anyone can understand girls better than me."

Sam gave him a light punch on on his arm.
Sam," you will never change."

He gave her arm hug and replied,"If I change than you will get bored which I will never let happen."

It was Radhika’s first day to office.
She entered the office and neetu greeted her.


Radhika,"Hi…so even you got the job?"

Neetu,"yes finally my wish came true to see arjun everyday."

Radhika," am glad your wish z fulfilled."

Neetu removed a cadbury from her bag and divided it exactly half and feeds Radhika the other half.

Neetu,"today z our first in this office so we should start our new journey with something sweet and nothing could be better than cadbury."

Radhika got a flashback listening to her words….


Randhir stuffed one big piece of cadbury in Radhika’s mouth.

Radhika,"randhir you will make me fat if you keep pampering me with chocolates everyday."

Randhir,"so what Radhu…I will love you more if you become chubby then I will pull your cheeks."

Radhika,"What rubbish… I will look so ugly if I become fat."

Randhir,"No radhu. You are always beautiful. Infact for me you are the most beautiful girl in this world. have not seen anyone more beautiful than you."

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