Chapter 10

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Hello friends. So here is chapter 10 but I didn't edited putting my heart and soul in it. So excuse my mistakes. I am a bit bored. I have so much of pending work to do. So sorry for the loopholes. Do read and tell me your reviews. Do vote and comment

Radhika was cursing herself for all the miseries in Arjun’s life. She wanted to kill herself for giving him pain after knowing the fact that he loved her. But her life was not hers to end.

She clutched the blanked tightly and covering her mouth with her palm to muffle her painful moans. Radhika  had seen many horrible things in life at a very tender age. Destiny had never shown any mercy on her.

Life had always been difficult for her. At some point of time we get scared of loosing the least happiness we have in our life but Radhika had lost everything to her fate.

Suddenly she got up with a jerk and marched to the idol of Krishna placed in one corner of her bedroom.

She got on her knees pushing all her tender weight on them. Crying bitterly and cursing herself was the only thing left with her to do.

She folded her hands and sobbed between her tears,"Why always this has to happen with me?Krishna I lost everything still I never stopped believing in you. Tomorrow I have to do such a lowly deed to a person who loves me from the bottom of his heart and you just keep quiet. Krishna all this years I had the satisfaction that I am a good hearted person but today you snatched that also from me. I don’t want to do this to Arjun sir. I wish I could tell Arjun sir that I am his destruction and he should stay away from me. I wish I could tell him that I am the major part of the plan which z made to destroy him completely. I can’t even tell him the truth. Sam z right. I am a bad omen.  my mere shadow cast people in darkness. Arjun sir I m sorry."

She sobbed hiding her face in her knees. poor girl cried whole night.

Sometimes we have to do such things which we can’t think about doing even in our dreams this z the time when God z testing us…..just remember in such times never lose hope and your faith in him because we all are his children and he has a better plan for all us….


Radhika entered the office rubbing her palms to keep calm.

Today was a big day. She had to execute the horrible plan anyhow. today she had to hurt arjun anyhow otherwise she would face the consequences.

her stream of thoughts broke when neetu greeted her

Neetu,"Hii radhika."


Neetu,"what’s wrong?you look tensed."

Wiping her sweaty forehead Radhika replied,"Nothing. I just have a headache."

Neetu,"Take a off for the day. I am sure Arjun sir won’t refuse you."

Radhika,"naah I am fine…I will take one painkiller."

Caressing her friend’s cheek she assured her that she was fine.

Just then her attention got shifted towards the entrance when she saw arjun entering inside.

Her angelic face got covered with guilt. A big guilt to hurt him even after knowing that he loved her. She was not able to meet his eyes today.

Lowering her gaze and fighting back her tears she mumbled to herself," No Radhika be strong. you have
to do this."

Arjun walked towards her desk and greeted her with a smile,"radhika can you join me for a coffee today."

Avoiding his gaze she answered,"Sir I have to leave before 5:30."

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