(1) Meeting His Friends

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Your POV
January 16
I had been in L.A for a week now, yet I still hadn't been acknowledged by Mark to his friends. Until today,Mark invited me to hang out at his office. I was gonna meet some of his friends that had been over. I walked into the room where he would be recording. Mark was talking about some recording plan, right up until I walked in.
"Oh guys, this is my sister, Y/n, Y/n this is Ethan and Tyler." He said as soon as I walked in
"Hi" I said shyly. I wasn't the type to be shy around Mark and his friends usually though. Maybe it was because I thought Ethan was cute. I had only seen some of his videos, I had developed a miner crush on him that Mark didn't know about but it's whatever.
"Well, um, Y/n do you want to record with us?" Mark asked
"Ya, sure" I said quietly
"We're recording the do not laugh challenge. Some has water in their mouth and the other people have to make that person laugh." Mark explained. Tyler was the first person we had to make laugh. We all started to try to make him laugh.
"IIIIIIIIIImmm Tyler and I have no legs!" Mark said. Everyone started laughing, even Tyler. It was Mark's turn next, suddenly I had tripped over one of the props. Before I could fall Ethan had caught me.
He's so cute I thought looking at him.
"You ok?" He asked, looking into my eyes
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I said supporting myself back up, I could feel that I was blushing
Soon enough we had finished recording. It was a while after that and
Mark, Ethan and Tyler were all editing the video. I had gone to Mark's car because I didn't know what else to do.

   After they had finished editing Mark came up to check on me. I was watching some of Ethan's videos when he did.
"Knock knock" He said in a girly childish voice as he knocked on the window. He got into the car
"I would say come in but, you're already in and this is your car" I told him.
"So, you're into Ethan?" He asked looking at my phone
"What! Yes. No! I mean no, completely not. I completely do not like him!" I told him immediately, I could feel it again I was blushing.
"What? I mean do you like his videos and his channel? Although, now imma have to talk to you" he said
"Yeah, I like his videos." I told him avoiding the subject.
"So, you like like Ethan?" He asked me, I didn't want to tell him. I just stayed silent. Yet, I continued to blush.
"Y/n's got a crush!" He taunted me.
"Yes, I like him" I told him, it wasn't me purposely telling him. It just slipped. Mark then just walked out.

Word Count - 490

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