(6) Videos

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April 3, Thursday, 1:20pm

Recording day. The day known as recoding day is that day where we all gather around in Mark's Studio and record random videos. It was an annual thing where I would record with Mark and his friends. But it was finally time for this once a month occurrence. I got dressed (outfit above) and put my hair in two braids.
"Y/n! Get down here or we'll leave without you!" Mark yelled from downstairs
"I'm coming!" I yelled rushing downstairs and out the door.
We were all in Mark's car heading to the studio. Ethan, Tyler and Kathryn were already there. Unlike any other filming day, today was special, today Mark was letting Ethan and I record a video announcing that we're together. Our limit was 5 minutes, that was our maximum time.
Soon enough we had arrived at the studio, as assumed, everyone was there. I walked in with Mark and Amy.
"Your time starts now!" Mark yelled to me and Ethan. Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me and a camera into a private area. He then pressed the play button.
"What's up my cranky crew, it's Ethan from Crankgameplays and today is a different type of video." He said kinda fast. "So as you can see there is no game in front of you, which means this is a vlog! Anyway, I have a special guest with me today, Y/n, introduced yourself." Ethan said once again fast, he handed it off to me.
"Hi, I'm Y/n Fischbach. Mostly known as Markiplier's little sister!" I said rushing through the sentence.
"Ok, so why we're talking fast and nervous is we have something announce and Mark is timing is! We only have 5 minutes." Ethan explained
"Let's just get to the point already!" I yelled, laughing. I then kissed Ethan. "We're dating!" We both said at the same time.
Ethan then did his outro and he turned off his camera.
"TIMES UP!!" Mark yelled to us
"We know!" Ethan yelled back
    We then came out of the secluded area. Ethan then did no editing and he uploaded the video, he named it 'Some News'. We all decided to do more try not to laugh. It was Mark's turn first.
He explained the game to the camera as usual. We continued to play the game for a while and we all had a few turns.

Omg, how? Guess what? Mark, Ethan and Sean are 2 hours away from me currently! Bc they be in Boston rn, and I'm in Connecticut, and that's next to Massachusetts which is where Boston is!!! I'm screaming! Anyway another 'omg' is... WE GOT OVER 400 READS! THIS BOOK IS SO SHORT!!! HOWWW? But anyway thx guys!
Word count - 402

Markiplier's Sister (crankgameplays x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now