So uh, Funny story

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Hey y'all, I've been thinking about this for a while (actually I wrote the first draft of this note back in April), and my friend has mentioned the idea of maybe re writing her old book, so what's a better time than any to say this. As you all know, and seem to keep asking about, there was supposed to be a sequel to this book. I did have it published for a little while, but then I took it down because it was a kinda too angsty.

Anyways I started this book back in 6th grade (I think) and now I'm in 10th grade. I still write, and often it is fan fiction. I still follow Mark, Ethan, Nate, etc. Nothing much has changed other than my abilities as a writer. So, I have made the executive decision to try and rewrite this book. And if that goes well enough for me, maybe, just maybe, I will write the sequel.

Thank you for supporting this book still, there's literally 5k reads on the first fucking chapter??? Like how did 5000 people read that idfk. Hopefully you will support this decision as well.

But for the time being, stay tuned. I'm not gonna make another chapter for this book - just gonna publish a new one.

Okay y'all, nice talking with ya,
Signing off,
Alaina (Puppy, PuppynessBonnie, Brendonurieispretty)

Oopsie poopsie it's out rn - the prologue is

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