(16) Announcement

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Omg! We just hit 10k tysm! Ily guys! Here is the next chapter as I promised it came out as soon as I could get it out!
June 18, 1:30pm

       Y/n was dressed in the outfit above, she was laying down in bed. Ethan had been picking out comments to read all do for a reading your comments video. Ethan walked into their room, Y/n looked up at Ethan. Ethan sat down on the bed with her.
"Do you wanna announce the pregnancy to the fandom?" Ethan asked
"I don't know" Y/n said fastly. She had been pissed off at Ethan since she found out she was pregnant.
"Well, we have to tell our families at some point" Ethan said
"I know" Y/n, once again, talked quickly
"Look, I don't know why you're still mad at me. You can't be mad at me forever, because we're gonna eventually have to raise that baby" Ethan told her
"Yep" She ignored him
Ethan rolled his eyes "I'm sorry, I know I'm an idiot!" Ethan told her
She pulled out her phone and started to look through it, she didn't wanna talk to him.
"Seriously, Babe, can we just talk about this. Like adults?" Ethan asked her
"I guess" She threw her phone to the side and sat up next to Ethan. "What really is there to talk about?"
"Do you wanna announce it to the fandom Or not?" Ethan asked again
"Not now. I mean it's so early in the pregnancy anything can happen" She told him "Maybe once the baby is born, or later in the pregnancy."
"I get that" He nodded "What about our families?" Ethan asked
"Of course we're gonna tell our families!"
"I mean, today would be a good time to tell them"
"Yeah" Ethan agreed
"We should start by telling everyone around us that's family" She suggested
"Yeah" Ethan agreed again "Who should we start with?" Ethan asked
Y/n shrugged "Close friends?" She said
"Sounds good" Ethan said
I'm legit to lazy to but everyone of their friend and family members reactions, so you can just think of what they said. (All of them were positive reactions) Sorry for the short chapter

OMFG 11K!!! That's crazy! And since we hit 11k so quickly, I'm going to be doing a shout out! So I want you guys to vote on this chapter and comment your favorite song. Whoever has the best taste in music will get a shoutout!
Update: Shoutout is closed!

Word Count- Short

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