(20) Important Question

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1 month later
December 13

Ethan was very nervous all day, and Y/n was kinda suspicious. But little did she know Ethan had a life changing surprise planned. Y/n was out with Amy currently shopping for the baby. This was a planned thing. Tonight was the night Ethan was gonna propose. Around last month he asked Mark if he could marry Y/n. Mark approved, knowing Ethan would treat her well and it was probably the best decision being they were already having a child together. So Mark, Ethan and Amy discussed how this night would go down. And the plan was finally coming into play.

Ethan grabbed his vlogging camera. He pressed record as he walked to the kitchen.
"Wowie, today is a big day" he said smiling widely. "So um...today I'm about to change multiple lives. Mostly mine and Mark's families. Also mine and Y/n's lives...Yeah...I'm gonna propose..." he said.
He showed the camera the ring and its box. He explained how he had asked Mark for permission to marry Y/n and he approved. He also told them about the plan with Amy going shopping with
"So yeah...I'm about to cook dinner for Y/n, so I have to go! But trust me, I will film me proposing and her reaction." He smiled and turned off the camera. He sighed
"You're really gonna do this..." he told himself and put the ring box in his pocket. He began to cook.
Y/n's POV

Amy and I had arrived at the mall. We walked in together and went to a baby store.
"So when's the due date?" Amy asked as her and I looked through the store
"Late January, early February" I told her
"Do you have a name yet?" She asked
"No...Ethan and I have been working on some...but even when we're positive on a name, we don't plan on telling anyone. We want to keep it between us till the day that she's born" I sighed
"Oh, ok" She said as we continued to look around

Amy had dropped off Y/n at her and Ethan's apartment. Ethan had dinner ready and the camera set up. Y/n walked in to see the dinner at the table
"Baaabe" she smiled and looked at Ethan who was smiling too. Ethan pulled out a chair for her to sit in, she sat down. He then sat down.

A little while passed as Y/n and Ethan talked. They were still eating.
"So um...Y/n?" He asked
"Yes" she smiled
"I have an important question for you" he smiled growing more nervous. He stood up and walked to Y/n.
"O-ok..." her heart beats faster as he brought her out of the seat she was in.
Ethan got down on one knee
"S-So...about a month ago, I asked Mark for permission to do this. Around a year ago, you moved to L.A. and we started dating. It was pretty crazy and weird dating my bosses little sister...especially because you were only 19 when we first started to date. Slowly we fell in love...after about 4 or 5 months of dating, we had found out that you were unexpectedly pregnant. Although that made us a little rocky, we're here now. We're gonna have a baby together...and I just wanted to ask you..." he teared up, Y/n was already crying "I-if you would marry me" he looked up at her
"Yes! Oh my fucking god yes!" She cried, Ethan put the ring on her finger and got up. He hugged her
"I love you so much" he cried into her shoulder
"Jesus Christ! I knew something was up with you today! You were acting all strange! But now I know!" She cried
"Our life is only beginning" he smiled

Word Count - 652

Yah know what! Fuck it! Let's do a QnA! Comment ur questions below! I'll get back to you soon!

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